4 8 8 I N D E X
invites Hans Albert and Eduard to Lautrach,
262, 287
new apartment for AE in Kiel, 27, 363
new sailing boat from, 82
opinion on Elsa, 68
on “Quantum Princess,” 253
sails with AE, 82, 245
Anschütz-Kaempfe-Schuler, Maria (1847–
1924), 360
Anschütz-Stöve, Reta (1897–1961), 11, 23, 95
AE on, 27
AE’s poem to, 101
impolite toward Elsa, 207; AE on, 208
misunderstanding with Elsa settled, 209; AE
on, 213
AE on new method to fight, 124
attacks in Berlin, AE leaves for Leyden, 135;
Planck on, 138–139, 146; AE will return,
155, 169
and Jewish students at German universities,
AE on, 85
Arce, José (1881–1968), 452
Arco, Georg Count von (1869–1940), 109,114
accepts Soviet invitation to Moscow, 109
invites AE to Moscow, 109–110; AE declines,
115, 123
Aristotle, AE on theory of concepts of, 323
Arrhenius, Svante (1859–1927), 42
congratulates for positive results of solar
eclipse observations, AE on, 42
plans to visit Berlin, 42
Aryan science, Lenard and Stark on, 305–306
Asociación Hebraica, Buenos Aires, invites AE
and Elsa for lecture tour, 193–195; AE de-
clines, 219
Asociatia , Tineretului Sionist din România, 102
Astrophysical Observatory, Potsdam
observations in La Paz, 365
relation of to Einstein Tower, 404
requests financial help from Prussian Ministry
of Culture, 365
Atmosphere, charge density of, 352, 353, 370
Atomism, 255
AE lectures on size of, 452
in Lucretius’s atomism, 255
sausage-shaped, Anschütz on, 287
Austrian committee for the Palestine Foundation
Fund, AE visits with, 329
of geometry, 215–216
of parallels, 216
physical meaning of, 217
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685–1750), 366; AE
on, 363
Balloon, 352, 353, 367, 401. See also Airplane
Bärwald, Alexander (1877–1930), 447, 458
Bärwald-Eisenberg, Charlotte (?–1937), 447
Bauer, Louis (1865–1932), discussion with AE,
Bechhold, Heinrich (1866–1937), 118
Beck, Rudolf Hans Heinrich (1876–1942), 38
Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770–1827), AE on,
363; AE plays, 453
Bentheim, AE is stuck in, 347
Bergson, Henri (1859–1941), 361, 428, 444
AE on, 314
Bergson 1922, AE on, 38, 285
International Institute for Intellectual Coopera-
tion, doubts about, 428
Berkefeld, Wilhelm (1836–1897), 118
Berliner, Arnold (1862–1942), 240
article on centenary of Lord Kelvin’s birth, AE
on, 240
solicits article on Kant, AE declines, 351
Berliner Hochschul-Nachrichten, solicits article
on Jewish university in Danzig, AE on, 252
Bernoulli, Daniel (1700–1782), 466
Bernstein, Eduard (1850–1932), 265; AE con-
gratulates on 75th birthday, 435
Besso, Michele (1873–1955), 32, 96, 184, 190,
248, 330
helps Swiss National Library collect AE’s pa-
pers, 223
on raising sons, 224
Besso, Vero (1898–1971), 184, 185, 191, 248;
seeks employment, 185
Besso-Winteler, Anna (1872–1944), 185, 248,
Biach, Philipp (1867–1942), 45
Bianchi identity, 168; also called Struik identity,
Bieberbach, Ludwig (1886–1982), 427, 439, 440
Bjerrum, Niels (1897–1958), 239, 246; Zangger
on, 242, 264
Black-body radiation, 268
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