8 2 D O C U M E N T S 7 6 , 7 7 J U LY 1 9 2 3
76. To Elsa Einstein
[Kiel,] Sunday, 8 July 1923
Dear Else,
This evening popping over to Gothenburg. The lecture is
It was won-
derful here, partly because we now have a sailing vessel, on which I sailed daily
around the Bay of Kiel with Messrs. Anschütz and
Tomorrow morning
and I will be together. Then it’s onwards to Gothenburg in the afternoon.
I’ll be very glad when this adventure is over with. I’ll be traveling back to Berlin as
soon as possible. From
I received a very sweet letter that delighted me.
Best regards to you, the children and parents from your
77. To Eduard Einstein
Berlin, 15 July 1923
Dear Tete,
Today I arrived home from Gothenburg and was very happy about your dear
You can imagine how bitter the issue with Albert is for me; but no father
may let himself be treated in the way that Albert’s last letter to
comes across.
This letter expresses mistrust, a lack of respect, and a coarse attitude toward me.
This I really did not deserve and I cannot tolerate it, as much as I do suffer when
an estrangement occurs between me and Albert.
The situation with Lautrach is this. I would much rather go to Kiel with you than
to Lautrach. I’m only doing this for the sake of Mr.
whose holiday re-
sort for professors is opening this year. There’s no need at all for you to travel there
on your own, though. Rather,
puts you on the train going here. I pick you
up here and then travel with you to Lautrach. In Kiel there is always a maid for me
who’s an excellent cook and we’d have it like the Gods. But this won’t happen now,
in August, because I promised to come to Lautrach with you. We could, however,
perhaps travel to Kiel together during the fall break; when is your fall vacation?
Now we also already have a wonderful sailboat there that Mr. Anschütz bought, so
we could always be outdoors in good weather. If Mama could rather let you go a
bit earlier now, we could perhaps visit Kiel before Lautrach. The bodily comforts
are better attended to there than in any hotel. During the first half of October I un-