I N D E X 6 7 9
Telefunken, 366n
legal dispute with Erich F. Huth Co., 365–
patent, 365–366
Tensor, 154
antisymmetric, 154, 157, 509, 511, 546–548
components of energy-momentum: see Ener-
gy-momentum, components of density of
contraction of, 159, 508, 542, 549
contravariant, 542
covariant, 542
covariant differentiation of, 158, 452, 456n,
definition of, 507
density, 66, 546, 574n
determinant of, 151–152, 155
divergence of, 132, 139n
Einstein, 25, 28n
fundamental: see Metric tensor
Maxwell field: see Maxwell field tensor
metric: see Metric tensor
“November,” 574n
Ricci, 28n, 160, 179n, 188n–189n, 452, 549,
553, 574n
“Riemann” (generally covariant), 413–415
Riemann curvature, 27n, 44n, 80n, 132, 159,
184n, 414, 452, 547–549, 553, 563
stress-energy: see Energy-momentum, tensor
of density
symmetric, 154, 157, 509, 513
“Verjüngung” of: see Tensor, contraction of
Weyl (conformal), 414–415
Teyler Laboratory, Haarlem, 201n
axiomatic: see Method, axiomatic
constructive, xxxv, 206–207, 210n, 213
conventionality of: see Conventionalism
and experience, xxxv–xxxvii, 57, 59n, 79, 219,
352 (see also Concept and experience)
falsification of, 219–220n
of invariants, 412–413
physical content of, 250–253
of principle, xxxv, 119, 206–207, 210n, 213,
371n, 378n
simplicity of, xxxiv–xxxvi, 57, 369, 371n
truth of, xxxvi, 219–220n
underdetermination of, xxxvi, 57, 219–220n,
unity of, xxxiv–xxxvi
Thermodynamics, 219
compared to kinetic theory of gases, 206, 213
second law of, 369, 374, 408
Thirring, Hans (1888–1976), 101, 565, 576n
and anti-relativists, 111
correspondence with AE, 121n
Thomas, Wilbur K. (1882–1953)
letter from Geheimrat Bose, Deutscher Zen-
tralausschuß für Auslandshilfe, 471n
letter to Rickard, Edgar, 470n
Thought experiment, 113, 354–355
absolute and relative, 5, 516, 535
concept of, 3, 501
coordinate, imaginary, 262–263, 375, 408
definition of, in special relativity, 5
dilation, 121n, 257, 523, 604; gravitational,
558, 619 (see also Clock, behavior in
gravitational field)
measurement of, 197–198n (see also Clock)
Time-like curve. See Invariant space-time
Times (London), xxx, 210n–211n, 215n
Tomlinson, Paul (1888–?): letter to AE, 570n
Top. See Gyroscope
conformal, xxvii, 414
Euclidean, 261–262
Galilei: see Galilean transformation
linear, 504, 506–507, 543
Lorentz: see Lorentz transformation
permissible, 375, 408
rotational, 521–522
Traub, Michael
letter from AE, 304n
letter from Wiener, Alfred, 228, 304n
Treitschke, Heinrich von (1834–1896), 216–
Troeltsch, Ernst (1865–1923), 10n; letter to AE,
Trowbridge, Augustus (1870–1934): letter to
Kamerlingh Onnes, Heike, 231
Unabhängige Sozialdemokratische Partei
Deutschlands (Independent Socialists), 124n
Unified field theory, xxvii, xxxiii, 62n, 319, 323n,
377, 409, 562, 575n. See also Weyl’s unified
field theory