I N D E X 3 4 5 Epstein, Paul (1883-1966): 5, 113, 115, 203, 205, 213, 234, 247, 307 financial problems, 85, 207 helps Edith Einstein, 26, 28–29 Jewish matters, 85, 116, 132–133, 143 no ac- ademic position for, 282 on AE’s qualities, 241 on Eliasberg, 240–241 on his learning Hebrew, 116 on need for popular publica- tions on science, 241 on political views of Thomas Mann, 240 on theory of radiometer effect, 26, 28–29 passport difficulties of, 28 position at University of Zurich, 233–234, 241, 247, 298 prepared to teach at Hebrew University, 105 scholar of international sig- nificance, AE on, 247 Equipartition theorem, AE and Mises on, 166, 176, 193 Erdmann, Benno (1851–1921), helps Schlick, 295 Ergodic hypothesis: 193 AE on, 166 Mises on, 176 Erzberger, Matthias (1875–1921), 236 Escherich, Gustav von (1849–1935), 244 Ether: 139 of Stokes and Planck, 291–292 Ether and Relativity, AE’s inaugural lecture at University of Leyden, 213, 214, 219, 225, 246, 282, 289, 297–298 Ethnic Germans, plebiscite in the East, 210–211 Euclid, 237, 251 Evershed, John (1864–1956): 146, 174, 200, 215, 245 on daytime observation of gravita- tional light deflection, 146 Ewald, Peter (1888–1985), 41 Exchange, of German and foreign scholarly liter- ature, 318–319 Exchange rate, German mark to Swiss franc, 15 October 1919, 115, January 1920, 207 Exner, Franz S. (1849–1926): 151, 243 retires, 260 Fabre, Lucien (1889–1952): 330 plans popular article on relativity, 330 requests AE’s opin- ion on his papers, 330 Fajans, Kasimir (1887–1975), 236, 312 Fermat’s principle: 131 in optics, 123 Field equations, in five-dimensional theory, 36 Fischer, Emil (1852–1919): 301 death, 61 Five-dimensional theory: cosmological problem in, 21, 42 elementary electric charge in, 21 equation of motion of electron in, 36 field equations in, 36 general covariance in, 32 geodesics in, 21, 26, 32 Lagrangian in, 36 of Kaluza, l, 21, 26, 32, 36–37, AE on, 21. See also Unified field theory Fixed stars astronomy, 178 Fizeau, Armand, 124 Flamm, Ludwig (1885–1964), 41, 152 Fleck, Albert, on stars and atoms as closed non- Euclidean systems in Euclidean spacetime, 279–281 Fleischer, Richard (1849–1922): offers funds for Leonhard Grebe and Albert Bachem’s work, 201 practical application of theory of relativ- ity, 193 Fliess, Bernhard, 305 Fluorescence, of uranyl salts, 136 Fokker, Adriaan (1887–1972): 61, 81, 149, 159, 311 congratulates AE, 140 in sanatorium in Arosa, 62, 95, 142, 158, 179 on energy com- ponents of gravitational field, 22 on invari- ance of electron orbits in Weyl’s theory, 63 on League of Nations, 141 on Weyl’s theory, 63–64 Fontane, Theodor (1819–1898), 212 Foreign purchases of German furniture and art, 170 Foreign scholars, AE on harsh judgment against German colleagues, 93 Forsch, Robert (1871–1948), 110 Fowler, Alfred (1868–1940), on daytime obser- vation of gravitational light deflection, 146 France: against Austria joining Germany, 80 coal shortage in, 170 deploring role of, AE on, 236 France, Anatole (1844–1924), 254 Franck, James (1882–1964): 126, 221, 223, 229, 243 electron impact method of, 223 Frank, Philipp (1884–1966): 126 asks AE for recommendation for successor to Lampa, 42 French intellectuals, assist private commission to investigate German war crimes, 67 French prisoner of war camps, German experi- ences in, 297–298 Freundlich, Erwin (1885–1964): 9, 12, 47, 89, 112, 147, 159–160, 165, 217, 228, 235, 331 eclipse expedition of 1914, 184 as AE’s problem child, 60 asks AE for assistance with position, 88–89 book on relativity, 78, 102, AE on, 88, English edition, 198, AE asks