3 4 6 I N D E X Freundlich, Erwin (1885–1964) (cont.) for higher royalties, 208, 238 fears militari- zation of Geodetic Institute, 112 and Grebe and Bachem, 197 on gravitational stellar red- shift, 12–14 on position at Astrophysical Ob- servatory, Potsdam, 103, 168 requests budgeted funds and reimbursement, 274 vis- its Oppenheim, 89, 100 Friedlaender, Benedict, Machian experiment by, 150 Friedlaender, Immanuel, Machian experiment by, 150 Freytag, G., 274 Füchtbauer, Christian (1877–1959), 129 “Für den Aufbau des jüdischen Palästina.” See Appeals Furtwängler, Philipp (1869–1940), 244 Galilei, Galileo (1564–1642), 127, 190 Gans, Richard M. (1880–1954), 41 Gas viscosity, Wildhagen on, 68–69 Gattiker, Johannes, 4 Gauthier-Villars publishing house. See Publish- ers Gehrcke, Ernst (1878–1960), and replication of Harress’s experiment, 123 Geitel, Hans (1855–1923), 210 General covariance in five-dimensional theory, 32 General relativity. See Relativity, general theory of Geodesics, in five-dimensional theory, 21, 26, 32 Geodetic Institute: selection of director, 112 fear of its militarization, AE on, 114, Schweydar on, 112–113 Geodetic precession, relativistic: 10, 298 Lorentz’s calculation on, 257 Geometry: Poincaré on, 30 Study on, 30 Gerlach, Hellmut von (1866–1935): 206 asked to formulate petition for release of political prisoners, 206 German academics, AE deploring political atti- tudes of, 276 German Army, ravages Louvain, 64 German Bunsen Society, 25th general assembly, 332 German intellectuals: growing republican spirit of, AE on, 198 learn humility from intellec- tual blockade, 68, 93 past and present, AE on, 159 German League for the Protection of Germans Outside Germany, 210 German Monist League, 18, 209, 315 German National Assembly, 211 German navy officers, employed by Japanese navy, 141 German Physical Society: 35 new journals of, 180, 189, 213, Wien opposes, 180 German University of Prague: Lampa fights for, 285 rumors regarding its dissolution, 42 German war crimes. See Lille booklet Private commission to investigate German war- crimes Germany: antirevolutionary forces, 10 anti- Semitism in, 213, AE on, 162, combat against, 302 as Anglo-American colony, AE on, 170 as Cinderella among nations, 145 Bolshevism in, AE on, 15 collapse of econo- my, 119, forecasted, 157 corruption and pov- erty in, 185 currency export restrictions, 67, 77 devaluation of currency, 50, 82, 119, 133, 135, 139, 143, 175, 178, 185, 282, 300 dif- ferences between Southern and Northern, AE on, 77 foreign purchase of furniture and art, 170 idea of revenge, AE on, 68, 74 image abroad, AE on, 293 improving social envi- ronment, AE on, 198 intellectual blockade of, 68, AE on, 68, 93 Jews ostracized from, 145 political climate in, 308 scholarly liter- ature, difficulties of obtaining, 299, 318, 332 social environment in, AE on, 199–200 strikes, 60, 119 suffering, 298, 306 Gipfel, Wilhelm, 268 Gleichen Rußwurm, Heinrich von (1882–1959), 211 Gnehm, Robert (1852–1926), 97, 112 Gold Medal of Royal Astronomical Society, 249, 267 Goldschmidt, Robert (1877–1935), 65 Goldstein, Eugen (1850–1930), 12 Gorky, Maxim (1868–1936), 253 Göttingen, AE on, 283 Grabowsky, Adolf (1880–1969), 18 Granquist, Gustaf (1866–1922), 129 Gravesande, Willem J. ’s, 311 Gravitational effect, of rotation of Earth and Sun, 155 Gravitational field: in constitution of matter, 15,