D O C S . 2 3 7 , 2 3 8 D E C E M B E R 1 9 1 9 2 0 1 ment that after my death letters worthy of preservation that are among my posses- sions be incorporated into your collection. If I find the time, I would like to have a look at your collection sometime. With great respect. A. Einstein 237. To Carl Seelig Berlin, 29 December 1919 Highly esteemed Sir, It is true that I welcome the Clarté movement with enthusiasm.[1] I shall take the trouble to advertise for “Clarté” in Germany, although it is not easy, in the currently prevailing mood of unspeakable bitterness. Unfortunately, I am so overexerted that I cannot even think of writing the booklet you wish, as much as I would like to. The photograph of Barbusse[2] with the dedication in his own hand imbued me with a new, profound sympathy for this great person. It is terrible that, although most people welcome and savor things coming out of the depths of artistic emotion, these latter are segregated from real life by a thick wall. The books kindly promised to me would please me exceedingly, and even more so, making your personal ac- quaintance on the occasion of my next stay in Zurich. In the meantime, with kind greetings and best wishes for success with your col- lection, yours. 238. From Richard Fleischer Wiesbaden, 23 Park Street, Villa Riviera, 29 December 1919 Esteemed Professor, I am very pleased to make available to you 2000 marks for the two young re- searchers Mr. L. Grebe and Mr. A. Bachem at the Physics Institute of the University of Bonn, for their new investigations on the influence of the Sun’s gravity on the absorption of light by the chemical elements to be found in the solar atmosphere. [1] To this effect I have instructed that the above-mentioned sum be remitted to the company Franz Haniel & Co. in Ruhrort, Duisburg.[2] Perhaps the investigations by the above-named two gentlemen will also have an influence on spectral analysis and give rise to new discoveries in this direction. With great respect, yours truly, Richard Fleischer.