1 5 2 D O C . 1 7 8 N O V E M B E R 1 9 1 9 The article should be written in a generally comprehensible style (i.e., for non- mathematical readers) and be as brief as possible—I should think about 3000 words. During the summer of this year I published in the same a short article on “pho- tophoresis,” which Prof. Ehrenhaft had given me to take along on the occasion of my trip homeward.[5] This article was very well received here and I am convinced that it won’t be long before “internationalism” among scientists is reinstated—at least insofar as it depends on the Germans and the English. From recent letters by Messrs. Berliner (of the Naturwissenschaften) and Paneth[6] (now in Hamburg), I gather that living conditions in Berlin are almost intolerable.[7] As Messrs. St. Meyer, Mache, Thirring, Flamm,[8] etc., tell me, in Vi- enna food conditions and heating problems are much more desperate than at the time when I left Vienna. That is the bitter tragedy of the situation and I hope sin- cerely that soon life on the Continent will be substantially eased. May I in closing heartily congratulate you regarding the recent verification of your prediction related to the “gravitational deflection” of light? People here have been talking of nothing else for the past few weeks. I look forward to your reply and hope you will be inclined to send me an article in the near future. In thanking you very much in advance, I sign, with sincere respect, Robert W. Lawson. 178. From Shmarya Levin[1] London W.C.1, 77 Great Russell Street, 27 November 1919 Esteemed Sir, The leadership of the Zionist World Organization takes pleasure in inviting you to a conference of Jewish scholars, which will take place from 14 to 16 January in Basle to confer about the structure of the Hebrew University in Palestine.[2] It is known to you, esteemed Sir, that the Zionist World Congress in Vienna, 1913, resolved the founding of such a university.[3] Following the English govern- ment’s official approval of the Balfour Declaration of 2 November 1917 promoting Zionist efforts to create a national homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine, the cornerstone of the Hebrew University was laid in 1918 by Prof. Weizmann on Mount Scopus in Jerusalem.[4] Now the leadership of the Zionist Organization directs its attention to the estab- lishment of the university itself. The meeting of Jewish scholars, to which we have