D O C . 1 8 7 D E C E M B E R 1 9 1 9 1 5 9 reunion, but there is a big advance towards a more reasonable frame of mind among scientific men, and that is even more important than the renewal of formal associa- tions.[4] I have been much interested in Prof. Weyl’s work, and it removes some of my prejudices against your “cosmological views” of space-curvature. I have not got hold of Weyl’s mathematics yet completely but it seems to lead almost inevitably to your cosmological terms.[5] I have been kept very busy lecturing and writing on your theory. My Report on Relativity is sold out and is being reprinted.[6] That shows the zeal for knowledge on the subject because it is not an easy book to tackle. I had a huge audience at the Cambridge Philosophical Society a few days ago, and hundreds were turned away unable to get near the room. Although it seems unfair that Dr. Freundlich, who was first in the field, should not have the satisfaction of accomplishing the experimental test of your theory,[7] one feels that things have turned out very fortunately in giving this object-lesson of the solidarity of 〈British〉 German and British science even in time of war. I, likewise, am unable to write except in my own language. Yours sincerely, A. S. Eddington. 187. To Adriaan D. Fokker [Berlin, after 1 December 1919][1] Dear Mr. Fokker, My time is so packed with reflex actions and trifles that you must forgive me for sending you the papers and answering your nice letter only now.[2] My political op- timism has also suffered a jolt. Everyone who has the opportunity seems to be de- veloping into a “Prussian.” The large-scale mechanism gradually appears so hope- less that I am beginning to feel that the political disinterestedness and international mentality of intellectuals of former centuries is the only thing possible and worth striving for.[3] It was very nice in Holland, and there we also often thought of you and de Sitter having to stay up there so long in isolation.[4] If I make a comparison with my life at present, though, I can console you with a good conscience. Winter sunshine and tranquility, instead of fog, telegrams, ringing telephones, stacks of letters, review manuscripts, etc. From de Sitter I hear with joy that you have got another little child now from your wife may God be with the child, and let the earlier misfortune be forgotten.[5] My mother will be brought over here soon to us. In a few months she will have come to the end of her suffering.