D O C S . 1 9 3 , 1 9 4 D E C E M B E R 1 9 1 9 1 6 5 193. To Neue Freie Presse (Vienna) 6 December 1920 [Not selected for translation.] 194. To Konrad Haenisch [Berlin,] 6 December 1919 Highly esteemed Minister,[1] A day or so ago I received a report by the National Budget Committee of the Constitutional Congress of the Prussian State, according to which it is planned that 150 000 marks from the National Treasury be placed at my disposal in support of research in the area of the general theory of relativity.[2] However great my joy and feeling of gratitude for this truly generous gesture, I nonetheless cannot withhold painful reservations. In these times of extreme need, would such a resolution not justifiably trigger bitter feelings among the public? I believe that we can promote research effectively in the area of the general theory of relativity even without use of special public funds, if the country’s observatories and astronomers would sim- ply place a portion of their apparatus and labor at the service of this cause. Hitherto Dr. E. Freundlich at the Astrophysical Institute in Potsdam was the only German astronomer (aside from Schwarzschild) to advance the field. It would be of great service to the cause if, in accordance with a proposal by Director Müller, this astronomer were to receive an observer position very soon at the Potsdam in- stitute with the objective of working on testing the general theory of relativity.[3] Finally, I would like to mention a minor but nonetheless urgent request that regards my own working conditions and for which I earnestly petition immediate resolution. By arrangement of the Housing Department of the town of Schöneberg, a room in our building was granted to me to accommodate my terminally ill mother and a nurse. The building owner objects and is making all sorts of misrepresenta- tions to the authorities to postpone or obstruct handing over the room, so that I am, as a matter of fact, in the predicament of having to make room in my study for the ill person if the affair is not speedily decided in a favorable direction. A word by the Ministry of Culture directly to the Rental Settlement Board of the town of Schöneberg (Einstein-Eisfelder case) would bring to a prompt decision this matter of such importance and urgency to me. I entreat you to forward the requested com- munication directly to the authority mentioned,[4] since I am being deluged with