D O C S . 2 8 2 – 2 8 4 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 0 2 3 5 282. To Hans Delbrück[1] Berlin, 26 January 1920 Esteemed Colleague, For some weeks now the pan-German press has been trying to obstruct Prof. Nicolai’s academic activities.[2] The business is being duly investigated at this mo- ment by the university president and the university council, thus by an authority whose members are certainly not, per se, kindly disposed to Nicolai’s ideas, so that in this respect surely one can be convinced of their objectivity.[3] Thus the press’s agitation seems all the more reprehensible, of which the en- closed article from the Deutsche Tageszeitung serves as a sample.[4] Since the investigation by the president and the university council may possibly draw out for a long time, it would be desirable to publish a short statement by uni- versity teachers to counteract the suggestive influence of these articles. Provided you approve of the statement overleaf,[5] which owing to the urgency I have sent only to a few Berlin colleagues, I request that you let me know by tele- phone or by postcard via pneumatic dispatch. Respectfully, A. Einstein. 283. From Leonhard Grebe and Albert Bachem 26 January [1920] [Not selected for translation.] 284. To Hedwig and Max Born [Berlin,] Monday, 27 January 1920 Dear Borns, First of all to the matter of our young colleague Dehlinger, about whom you wrote to Berliner.[1] We are getting a lot of money now for the astronomical inves- tigations which I can disburse as I please.[2] Would that man be inclined to conduct astrophysical research? At present I would be able to engage him for about 6000 marks annually, perhaps even more if adverse conditions demand it. He would then work together with Freundlich.[3] Photometric analyses of stellar spectra. But if the man preferred employment in practical engineering, I do have connections to look