3 5 6 I N D E X Silberstein, Ludwik (1872–1948): 291–293 on ether, 291–292 skeptical of general relativi- ty, 146 Sitter, Willem de (1872–1934): 81, 84, 95, 157, 311 in Arosa sanatorium, 142, 158–159, 179 informed English physicists of relativi- ty, 160 on English edition of AE’s popular book on relativity, 158 on news of eclipse re- sults, 140 Smekal, Jan (1895–1959), AE on, 223 Smoluchowski, Marian von (1872–1917), 102 Smuts, Jan Ch. (1870–1950), 62 Snellius, Willebrord, 311 Socialist Student Association, 15 Sohnke–Schoenfliess theory of crystal structure, 124 Solovine, Maurice (1875–1958), on writing pop- ular book on relativity, 308–309, 329 Solvay, Ernest (1838–1922), 31, 65, 68, 128 Sommerfeld, Arnold (1868–1951): 4, 161, 187, 237, 265, 312, 333 as advisor for Mathema- tische Annalen, 192 on discovery of “eka-io- dine,” 130 asks AE to lecture in Munich, 247 asks AE to present own paper to DPG, 12, 35 supports Lenz’s application for KWIP funds, 10, 12 Sorel, Georges (1847–1922), Réflexion sur la vi- olence, 52 Spacecraft, energy supply for, 319 Special courses for foreign students, AE and Landau’s petition, 265, 287 Special relativity. See Relativity, special theory of Spectral oven for redshift measurements, 89, 103, 275 Spengler, Oswald (1880–1936), 237, 323 Springer publishing house. See Publishers St. John, Charles E. (1857–1935), 48, 63, 146, 200, 215, 245, 296, 307 St. Matthew Passion, J. S. Bach, 306, 312 Stark effect: 247 Epstein on, 205 Stark, Johannes (1874–1957), 17, 222 Static solutions with non-zero electric potentials, missing in Weyl’s theory, 162, 178 Staudinger, Franz (1859–1921), 52 Steidler, W., 113 Steinhardt, Alfred (?), 71 Steinhardt, Alice (1893–1975), 71 Steinhardt, S. Ogden (1882?–1965), 71, 82 Stellar theory, of Eddington, 9 Stenström, Karl (1891–?), 129 Stern, Otto (1888–1969): 41, 237, 286 appoint- ed to University of Frankfurt, 283 visits AE, 79 Stevin, Simon, 311 Stöcker, Helene (1869–1943), solicits AE’s sig- nature to April 1919 appeal, 18 Stodola, Aurel (1859–1942): 14 on union of Ba- varia and Austria, 51 Stoll, Eugen, 113 Strikes, in Germany, 60 Strindberg, August (1849–1912): Rausch, 79 Traumspiel, 79 Das Blaubuch, 121 Struck, Hermann (1876–1944), 113 Studentenvereinigung für künstlerische Kultur an der Universität Berlin, 104 Study, Eduard (1862–1930): 29, 83 on AE as positivist, 39 on Als-Ob philosophy, 24–25 on axiomatics, 39 on geometry, 30 on posi- tivists, 39 Stumpf, Carl (1848–1936), on chain of physical- psychological causes, 157 Subelectron, AE on, 7, 222–223 Sudermann, Hermann (1857–1928), co-author of Manifesto “An die Kulturwelt,” 67 Superconductivity, ignorance about, Ehrenfest on, 312 Svedberg, The (1884–1971): 181 on weekly Fo- rum, 172 solicits article from AE, 172, 182 Swabia, AE’s roots in, 38 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), re- forms at, 15 Swiss Natural Science Society, meeting in Luga- no, 85 Switzerland: debate over constitution, 111 fear of Bolshevism, AE on, 185 Haber on, 70 Tagore, Rabindranath (1861–1941), on national- ism, 141, 195 Tank, Franz (1890–1981), 234, 247 Tassel, Emile, 31 Teddy. See Einstein, Eduard Tete. See Einstein, Eduard Teubner publishing house. See Publishers Teweles, Heinrich (1856–1927), 196 “The Twelve Books,” 195 Thirring, Hans (1888–1976): 41, 150, 152, 244 AE on, 181 research on crystals, 124
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