D O C . 1 7 A P R I L 1 9 1 9 1 5 amplified.[3] And yet you still make an apology to me! It was no use, I felt my guilt only more strongly. In my defense, only this: that the final days of my Zurich stay resembled a runaway motion-picture projector. The main thing is, now, that you overcame the inevitable flu and feel even better than before. Elsa’s heart problem, as a side remark, turned out to be a consequence of flu lozenges that had an abom- inable effect on the heart. When she stopped taking them, the troublesome symp- toms also disappeared.[4] I tell you this as a warning against them. Things are lively here again. This country is like someone with a badly upset stomach who hasn’t yet thrown up enough. When Scheidemann, Noske, etc., are out as well, the patient will gradually get better.[5] Permanent improvement is possible once he can make a firm resolve to change his lifestyle. Your optimism pleases me and I share it. Preparation by the sluggish masses for a Socialist consciousness is making clear progress, even if I can often only detect it in the hypocrisy of our noted newspaper Berliner Tageblatt.[6] That the Poly[technic] is still not in a position to shed its skin may also have its good sides.[7] A politically calmer time may perhaps be more favorable in many respects for this move, because currently irrelevant viewpoints could come more to the fore than is proper. I have found an interesting idea in general relativity.[8] I hope it will stand fast! In such cases, after a short time the criticism usually starts, with pangs of conscience! With my best wishes for your health and general well-being, I send you my warm greetings, yours, Einstein. 17. To Pauline Einstein and Maja Winteler-Einstein [Berlin, 4 April 1919][1] My Dears, Heartfelt thanks to all of you for the congratulations. I would have already thanked you if I weren’t so terribly swamped with work. Presently I have especially much at my fingertips, and the brain is not as flexible in this fifth decade now begun.[2] It wasn’t as bad on my birthday as you think, d[ear] Maja.[3] With the ex- ception of 5 Haberland St., no one here knew about the important event—thank God![4] Here everything is taking its usual course again and superficially every- thing is calm. But I am convinced that, slowly but surely, the Bolshy is coming: “Whoever doesn’t work, shouldn’t eat either.” Yesterday this principle was ap- plaudingly quoted to me by a brother academician, of all people.[5] In one week I am giving a public talk for the benefit of the treasury of the Socialist Student As- sociation—on the relativity principle, of course.[6] Healthwise I am doing excel- lently, and otherwise too I feel comfortable here. Unless something quite horrible happens, I certainly won’t leave here. I am very sorry that you must go through so