I N D E X 3 5 7 Time dilation: AE and Guillaume on, 231–233, 255–256, 262–264 experimental test by transverse Doppler effect, 215 in rotating frame of reference, 66, 76 Times (London): AE’s article in, 154, 173 for wartime propaganda, 154 Tobler, Josephine (1879–?): 51, 72, 76, 83, 98, 130, 175 arrives in Berlin, 204 Tolstoy, Leo (1828–1910), 253 Tönnies, Ferdinand (1855–1936), 52 Töplitz, Otto (1881–1940), on anti-Semitism at University of Kiel, 137 Treaty of Versailles. See Versailles Peace Treaty Train service, discontinuation in Germany, 170 Tree of Knowledge: AE on, 80, 117, 137 Hed- wig Born on, 80, 117, 121, 137 Trinity College, Cambridge, 224 Trkal, Viktor (1888–1956), 290 Troeltsch, Ernst (1865–1923), lectures at Uni- versity of Leyden, 253 Turgenev, Ivan S., 253 Ulinski, Franz (1890–1974), energy supply for spacecraft, 319 “Un Appel: Fière Declaration d’Intellectuels.” See Appeals Unified field theory: as opposed to dualistic the- ory, 42 five-dimensional approach, see Five- dimensional theory of Weyl, 21, 49, 63–64, 159, 162, 184 Union of Bavaria and Austria, 51 United States of America: possible future war with Japan, 141 relief aid, to Germany, 237, to Poland, 121 support for League of Na- tions, 80 Universe: extension of, 178 spatially closed, 139 University of Berlin: closed due to unrest, 9 closed during Kapp Putsch, 300 faculty sen- ate, charges Nicolai, 235, expels Nicolai, 293 student council, protests against AE’s free admission policy, 259 students apolo- gize for uproar in AE’s lecture, 267 students on AE’s significance, 267–268. See also EIN- STEIN, ALBERT: COURSES University of Leyden, University Council pro- poses AE’s special professorship, 219, 257. See also, EINSTEIN, ALBERT: APPOINT- MENTS, COURSES, INVITATIONS, LECTURES University of Marburg, and Neo-Kantianism, 295 University of Rostock: 500-year anniversary, 116, 120 AE on, 157, 169 University of Zurich, salary offered to AE, 183. See also EINSTEIN, ALBERT: APPOINTMENTS, COURSES, INVITATIONS, LECTURES Unthan, Carl (1848–1928), 306–307 Uproar at AE’s lecture at University of Berlin. See EINSTEIN, ALBERT: COURSES Vaihinger, Hans (1852–1933): 24, 304–305, 331 advancing blindness, 24 daughter’s sui Vaihinger, Hans (1852–1933) (cont.) cide, 24 invites AE to Als-Ob conference, 304–305 organizes Als-Ob conference, 331 requests paper from AE, 25 Valentiner, Siegfried (1876–1971), 41 Vermeil, Hans (1889–1959), 23 Versailles Peace Treaty: “week of mourning,” 35 effect on Bolshevism, AE on, 44 harsh- ness of, AE on, 47, 237 preliminary, 34 Verse on AE in The Observatory, 251 Vetter, Theodor (1853–1922), on AE’s policy of free admission to course at University of Zu- rich, 4 Vienna: collection in Britain for children of, 188 poor living conditions, 152 Vieweg publishing house. See Publishers Vogelpohl, Georg (1900–1975), on spherical universe, 315–316 Voigt, Woldemar (1850–1919), 266 “Volkshochschule für Proletarier,” 205 Waals, Johannes van der (1837–1923), 311 Wangerin, Albert (1844–1933), 54 Warburg, Emil (1846–1931), 65, 123 Warburg, Max M. (1867–1946), political trust- worthiness, AE on, 8 Weber, Rudolf H. (1874–1920), 41 Wegscheider, Rudolf (1859–1935): 221–223, 239, 242, 251, 270 on Ehrenhaft’s candidacy for University of Vienna, 242–245 requests AE’s opinion on Ehrenhaft, 244 Weigert, Charlotte, 211 on AE’s pacifism, 211 on AE’s Zionism, 211 on Danish press cov- erage of AE, 211 Weimar Republic: image abroad, AE on, 293 weakness of, 308
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