D O C . 2 1 9 D E C E M B E R 1 9 1 9 1 8 7 Before leaving Stockholm, I already imparted to Mr. Planck the request that I in- tended to address to you.[6] I am sure that if you would like to discuss this with him, he would support my request. In high regard and admiration of your beautiful and admirable works, Mittag-Leffler. 219. To Arnold Sommerfeld [Berlin,] Thursday. [18 December 1919][1] Dear Sommerfeld, Emden’s computation unfortunately is not completely correct it neglects terms of the order of magnitude of the effect under calculation.[2] In reality, not only does the density of the ray’s closest point to the Sun enter into the calculation, but also the density gradient as a function of distance. H. A. Lorentz also discussed the at- mosphere problem with essentially the same (certainly negative) result I do not know, though, whether he has published the matter. He told me about it when I was with him recently.[3] A tiny density may suffice in order to produce the observed deflection at one place however, the distance law (prop ) requires a completely impossible density distribution. The journal-title problem causes us great anguish. Vieweg assumes great risk with the business and absolutely objects to the title “Proceedings” as ineffective in book retailing. After a very lengthy debate this way and that, Scheel, Haber, Jahnke, and I decided at the last minute on the title Zeitschrift für Physik, which the board then quickly had to accept so that the contract could be made in time and there was no time lapse between our publications. Prior consultation was no longer possible, since Vieweg’s objection in this regard came at the last minute. One has to understand Vieweg’s point of view, since he is risking a lot of money.[4] Purely as such, I do not consider it at all fortunate that we need another journal for longer papers besides the Annalen. But dissatisfaction with the editing and with the pub- lisher of the Annalen is universal and legitimate.[5] Printing by the Annalen is slow, selection as good as nonexistent, and accepted contributions are unnecessarily long. When offprint copyrights are wanted from the publisher, he causes difficulties [6] the latter is unaccommodating in every instance, anyway. If we do not manage to set up a serviceable journal, then one will immediately be estab- lished by Springer. If you had been here, you could also not have done otherwise than we, no less so our colleague Wien. But from afar it all does look crooked and suspicious, 1 r -- -