I N D E X 3 5 5 Riess, Carl (1875–1929), 209 Righi, Augusto (1850–1920), 65 Right-wing press, attacks on Nicolai, 235 Rigidity: in general relativity, AE on, 77 Silber- stein on, 292–293 in special relativity, 292 Rolland, Romain (1866–1944): 195 and relief for postwar Poland, 121 author of Un Appel: Fière Declaration d’Intellectuels, 58 Röntgen, Wilhelm (1845–1923), 129 Rosenau. See Clinic Rosenau Rosenthal-Schneider, Ilse (1891–1990): 87, 154 book on Kant and relativity, 205 Rotszajn, Sophie (1873–?), 113 Rotten, Elisabeth (1882–1964), 108, 138 Rowland, Henry A., 197 Royal Astronomical Society: joint meeting with Royal Society, 138, 145, 211 on Gold Medal for AE, 224, 230, 237, 245, 249 Royal Society, joint meeting with Royal Astro- nomical Society, 138, 145, 211 Rubens, Heinrich (1865–1922): 40, 83 Wednes- day colloquium, 136 Ruppin, Arthur (1876–1943), 116 Russia: blockade of, 121, AE on, 119 postwar conditions, 119, 120–121 instability and vio- lence, 19 Rutherford, Ernest (1871–1937), pleased about eclipse results, 141 Sannig & Co., 285 Schaefer, Clemens (1878–1968), AE on, 83 Schäfer, Wilhelm (1868–1952), 52 Scheel, Karl (1866–1936), 12, 14, 180, 187 Scheidemann, Philipp (1865–1939), 15 Scherrer, Paul (1890–1969): 41, 234, 247 leaves University of Göttingen, 265 recommended to University of Zurich, 300 Schiff, Jacob (1847–1920), political trustworthi- ness, AE on, 8 Schläfli, Ludwig (1814–1895), 22 Schleich, Carl Ludwig (1859–1922), 239, 240 Schleusner, Thea (1879–1964), portrait of AE by, 206 Schlick, Blanche (1881–1964), 190 Schlick, Moritz (1882–1936): 29, 41, 143, 169, 199, 228, 276–277, 278, 298, 316 aspires to position at University of Zurich, 273–274, 295–296, 298, 329 Theory of Knowledge, Born on, 120 Raum und Zeit in der gegen- wärtigen Physik, 78, 329, AE for higher roy- alties for, 208, 238, 328, requests AE’s comments on, 190 debate with Drill, 190 ju- bilee of University of Rostock, 116–117, 120 invites AE and Planck to stay in his home, 116–117 on Dingler’s book, 329 on Holst’s paper, 329 on results of AE’s calculations re- garding star clusters, 190 on uproar in AE’s lectures, 295 Schlubach, Heinrich, political trustworthiness, AE on, 8 Schmidt, Raymund (1890–?), 305 Schneider, Ilse. See Rosenthal-Schneider, Ilse Schottky, Walter (1886–1976): 41, 287–288 on weights of quantum states, 288 Schouten, Jan A. (1883–1971): 10 on relativistic geodetic precession, 258, 298 Schrödinger, Erwin (1887–1961): 41, 244 AE on, 181 Schubert-Soldern, Richard von (1852–1935), 320–321 Schüller, Hermann (1893–1948), 181 Schwäbischer Bund, 38 Schwarzschild solution, and Mach’s principle, 62 Schwarzschild, Karl (1873–1916), 20, 48, 165, 200, 215, 245 Schwarzschild–Debye maximum in light pres- sure, 243 Schweidler, Egon (1873–1948), 244, 251 Schweizerischer Bund für Reformen der Ueber- gangszeit, 90–91 Schweydar, Wilhelm (1877–1959), 112 Seelig, Carl (1894–1962), and The Twelve Books, 195–196, 201 Seeliger, Hugo von (1847–1926), 180 Seeliger, Rudolf (1886–1920), as possible suc- cessor of Lampa, 42 Seemann, Hugo (1884–1974), 16 Seiler, Ulrich (1872–1928), 164 Sellien, Ewald (1893–?), 87, 120 Semon, Richard, on heritability of acquired char- acteristics, 314 Serini, Rocco (1886–1964), 246 Shakespeare, AE on, 47 Shapley, Harlow, on stellar distributions in Mess. 15 cluster, 168 Siegbahn, Manne (1886–1977), 130 Siemens, Wilhelm von (1855–1919), 60