D O C . 3 9 M A Y 1 9 1 9 3 5 39. To Pauline Einstein et al. [Berlin, 14 May 1919][1] My Dears, We are currently having an official week of mourning in honor of the projected peace.[2] But outside, May is in luxuriant flower, heedless of politics and currency exchange. With this letter I am sending you an article from the Vossische Zeitung as additional nourishment for Mama’s already fitting motherly pride but it does have to reach us through Gumpertz, for the likes of us don’t read such “posh” newspapers.[3] Lately I have quite a few talks to give, Friday a paper by Sommer- feld on his behalf at the Phys. Society and tomorrow I’m stuck with it at the Academy.[4] I’ve had to do examinations too, twice already, namely of teacher candidates [5] the other examiners praised my compassionate heart, some not with- out a touch of irony. I hope the glorious days are doing you good, d[ear] Mother, so that you are also getting something out of the beautiful season.[6] Soon you can go to my favorite old spot under the tree. I’m very much looking forward to our re- union and want to be with you all as much as my lectures will allow. In the mean- time, I’m frantically cramming the lectures in so I can finish my course on time.[7] In August let’s travel back to Berlin together, d[ear] Mama. By that time, the food situation will be better here as well mine is, by the way, more than satisfactory. Else is trying to make something of an Uncle Rudolf out of me, she’s spoiling me that much. The latter is not doing particularly well, though he’s visibly losing weight. Old age and the bladder condition are gnawing away at him.[8] Recently an acquaintance bothered me about holding another lecture at a club meeting on—the principle of relativity, after I had promised only a private session.[9] Upon renewed urging I wrote him this little verse:[10] I’ll keep that privatissimum Forget the auditorium Or else I’m like the organ-grinder, Who can only crank the winder, Till it’s parroted all around And even dimwits swallow it down. Affectionate greetings to all three of you, yours, Albert.