D O C S . 3 8 2 , 3 8 3 A P R I L 1 9 2 0 3 1 9 It was with gratification that I read a similar view in your statements and there- fore turn to you, highly esteemed Professor, with what remains of my hope that with your great influence you might succeed where I have thus far failed. With utmost respect, Burghold Counsellor of Justice. 382. To Max Born [Berlin, 20 April 1920] Dear Born, My last copy of the requested article is going out to you in the same post. It had been botched up like that at Teubner’s press.[1] I’m eager to see your booklet on relativity.[2] Pardon my laziness in writing, despite your dear reports. That scoun- drel the postman is to blame. What’s the story with Göttingen?[3] Debye’s paper is very nice.[4] Warm greetings, yours, Einstein Best regards to your wife. I can’t come to Frankfurt so soon. I hope we can see each other here before then. 383. To Franz Ulinski[1] Berlin, 20 April 1920 Dear Sir, Yesterday evening I finally read your manuscript and positively enjoyed doing so.[2] Your method of locomotion is realizable in principle, but founders irrecover- ably on the quantitative relations. You undoubtedly know this yourself.[3] What struck me in your account was the optimism with which you anticipate real enrich- ment of human existence by the development of technological devices. Forgive me please for having made you wait so long. My ruthless enemy the postman is to blame. In appeasement I send you my little book on relativity theory.[4] With great respect, A. Einstein. [2]Telegram: “Read manuscript sent today = Einstein.”