2 2 2 D O C . 2 6 9 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 0 Edgar Meyer stands at the forefront of the faculty’s interest. He was here, as you know, and it is known that he would probably want to come back again from Zurich.[3] You would do me a very great favor if you would tell me your opinion on Meyer’s scientific qualification and abilities. You know him perfectly well as a physicist, much more thoroughly than I,[4] even though I had the pleasure of work- ing with him for a long time. I know that he would be in the right place here in every respect and that Tübingen would fare well with him too. I just do not know whether one may place him scientifically above Stark, for ex.[5] Do you think that he will be able to accomplish something of really principal significance? If you prefer, whatever you say to me about him shall be treated confidentially and not be impart- ed to anyone else at all. I would just like to have the burden of responsibility some- what alleviated if I do support him. I do not even know whether the faculty will heed my advice. My involvement in the decision is even statutorily excluded. But if you were to support Meyer, everything would be fine. I know that he is doing his business exceptionally well in Zurich, that he, as the sole German, represents the German way and therefore might better stay there.[6] But I do not find it fair to de- prive him of an opportunity for an advancement that he would have deserved. It would be punishment for his successful effectiveness in Zurich. In thanking you very much for your good wishes in my new activity,[7] very re- spectfully and devotedly yours, F. Paschen. 269. To Rudolf Wegscheider Berlin, 20 January 1920 Esteemed Colleague, A friend of mine, Prof. A. Lampa, has requested by telegram that I send you a recommendation about our colleague Ehrenhaft for an unfilled professorship at Vi- enna University.[1] In view of the importance and responsibility attached to such a statement of opinion, I would like to speak completely freely and openly but do re- quest strict confidentiality about what I say here. Mr. Ehrenhaft’s great strengths lie in his originality and his truly admirable en- ergy and dedication. To his credit, he was the first to apply the motion of small par- ticles toward investigating tiny electric charges (problem of the elementary quan- tum of electricity) and to develop the appropriate experimental technique. His and his students’ analyses in recent years on minuscule particles, which gave rise to doubts about the existence of an elementary quantum of electric charge, le-