I N D E X 3 6 5
128, 133, 146; lives in Baur au Lac, 61; prom-
ises help for Pauline, 140; SAG shares to,
144; visits Maja, 116; visits Weggis, 74
Koch, Peter (1879–1945), 209
Koch, Robert (1879–1952?): 146; contributes to
Pauline’s treatment, 133
Koch/Steinhardt?, Alfred, 146
Koch-Steinhardt family, visiting Wintelers, 133
Koffka, Kurt (1886–1941), 162
Kohlrausch, Fritz, (1884–1953), 183
Koppel, Leopold (1854–1933), SAG shares to,
144, 145–146
Kossel, Walther (1886–1956): 288, 326; candi-
date as successor of Born, 189, 208, 328; AE
on, 220
Kottler, Friedrich (1886–1965): 219; on singu-
larities in light waves as quanta, AE on, 220
Kowalewski, Arnold (1873–1945), 162
Kraft, Ludwig, 23, 75
Kraus, Oskar (1872–1942), 161–162, 206, 270
Kraus, Werner (1884–1962), expresses sympa-
thy for AE, 247
Krüger, Louis (1857–1923), 105
Krüss, Hugo (1879–1945), 105
Krutkov, Yuri (1890–1952), 298
Kuwaki, Ayao: translates Einstein 1917a into
Japanese, 342; AE praises knowledge of, 342
Landé, Alfred (1888–1975): on Lenard’s criti-
cism of Born 1920a, 329; on Ramsauer’s crit-
icism of Born 1920a, 329
Lange, Gustav (1863–1936), 130
Langevin, Paul (1872–1946): 197, 214, 229,
231, 234, 255, 297, 298, 326, 335, 346; invit-
ed to Solvay meeting, 189; invited to meeting
on magnetism, 222; participates in meeting
on magnetism, 296, 301
Larmor, Joseph (1857–1942), 154
Laski, Gerda (1893–1928), 183–184
Latzko, Andreas (1876–1943), expresses sympa-
thy for AE, 247
Laue, Max von (1879–1960): 15, 172, 208, 291;
as candidate for chair of theoretical physics at
University of Hamburg, AE on, 345; intends
to leave University of Berlin, 226; on AE’s
criticism of his treatment of clock synchroni-
zation, 170; on Stern’s paper on thermal mo-
lecular velocities, 222; planned lecture at
GDNÄ meeting in Bad Nauheim, 190; visit to
AE, 58
Lecher. See Lederer, Eugen.
Lederer, Eugen (1884–1947), 344
Lehmann, Otto (1855–1922): 5; on electrody-
namic force between moving rods, 5–6; in-
vites AE to lecture in Karlsruhe, 6
Lenard, Philipp (1862–1947): 258, 270, 284,
290, 296–298; criticizes Born 1920a, 329
Lenz, Wilhelm (1888–1957): 288; candidate as
successor of Born, 189, 208; AE on, 220; can-
didate for chair of theoretical physics at Uni-
versity of Hamburg, AE on, 345
Léon, Xavier (1868–1935), 335
Levi, Ernst, 275
Levi, Rudolf (1863–1929?), 281
Levi-Civita, Tullio (1873–1941): 71, 210; on
Einstein 1919a, 237; on his reason for com-
paring AE to Newton, 237; on internationali-
ty of intellectuals, 237
Lewis, Gilbert (1875–1946), creates position for
Epstein, 328
Leyden lecture, 185, 199
Leyden Society for Scientific Lectures, AE lec-
tures to, 163, 164, 166, 169, 179
Lieber, Hugo: 312; as AE’s agent in US, 312
Lindemann, Adolf (1846–1931): 238; on day-
time photography of stars, 239
Lindemann, Frederick (1886–1957): invites AE
to Oxford, 339; on philosophy and relativity,
338; on visiting with AE, 338; season’s greet-
ings to AE, 338–339
Lockyer, Norman (1836–1920), 239
Lorentz contraction: 5; of charges, 221
Lorentz, Hendrik A. (1853–1928): 131, 136,
159, 164, 169, 185, 193, 199, 214, 244, 255,
298, 301; on AE’s theory of gravitation, 12;
expresses sympathy for AE, 257; pleased
with AE’s being elected foreign member of
the Dutch Academy, 174; helps Russian
physicists, 269; lectures on Born’s crystal lat-
tice equilibrium, 296; on AE’s appointment
at University of Leyden, 199, 268; on date of
AE’s inaugural lecture, 199; on Eddington’s
book, 199, 228, 276; on gravitation theory
and eclipse results, talks with AE, 139; on
prize contest of Scientific American, 268;
Solvay meeting, invites AE to, 188, 194,
planned lecture of, 188, program of, 188, so-
licits lecture from AE, 188; visited by AE, 30,
139, 140
Lorentz-Kaiser, Aletta (1858–1931), 169