1 3 4 V O L U M E 9 , D O C U M E N T 1 0 1 a
Dear Albert
I hope things [arrange] themselves again bit by bit so all of you are more com-
Have you already seen Steinh[ard] perhaps? To remind you, there would be 2
things to discuss with him.
1. Whether a minimum of at least 2,000 francs hadn’t been planned for the
position on the governing board and whether perhaps more wasn’t in prospect.
Raising it to equal ranking with the others was approved, and it would therefore be
a question of whether it had been negotiated. (Received amount per ½ year just 850
2. You were guaranteed to receive not 10,000 but explicitly 11,000, but received
about 5,000 per ½ yr. I complained but haven’t received a reply to this day. So it
will be up to you to discuss
The 1,000 francs more are [now] to be ceded
to Elsa in the intended
We are doing very well; in this glorious weather I am, of course, going hiking,
and we’re often on the lake as well. On the side I’m dabbling in geology and botany,
but also have many interesting things in hand in the area of jur[isprudence].
Warm greetings to all of you from your,
Vol. 9, 101a. From Mileva Einstein-Maric;
Zurich, 10 September 1919
Dear Albert,
I’d like to ask you for a bit of information: the Bankverein informed me last win-
ter that a certificate you had deposited here in my name—it was “Deutsche Kriegs-
anleihe,” I believe—had reached maturity and I was asked whether they should
purchase another certificate for that
I sent you this notification at the
time to ask your opinion on what should happen with
but then never heard any-
thing more. Recently I received the notification that these 2,000 marks in question
here have been deposited into your account. It’s certainly not pettiness that impels
me to write you about this but, since this is a matter that will likely recur frequently,
I would like to ask you whether some error hasn’t been made here. I also discussed
this with Dr.
and he finds the matter not right. If this matter repeats itself
often enough, the entire security deposit would come into your hands again, which
would go against our
So I’m awaiting an explanation from you.
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