D O C U M E N T S 3 2 , 3 3 M A Y 1 9 2 0 1 7 3
32. To Elsa Einstein
[Leyden,] Thursday. [27 May 1920]
Dear Else,
Now this sojourn here is coming to an
It was nice, but I am looking for-
ward to being home again as well. I am coming on Monday. I let Halle go without
I won’t be traveling directly to Norway because the passport difficulties
would probably be even more inconvenient to settle than from Berlin. I have noth-
ing in writing in hand, you know. Nor do I know whom I am being invited
My nomination here is still lying in the lap of the gods, to the great discomfort of
my colleagues. So the speech remained
Next time! The violin un-
fortunately hasn’t arrived, either. I will continue to look after this business from
I’m gratified to see that I’m not the only slovenly bungler in the world;
that’s a
Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow I’ll be in Amsterdam
(at Zeeman’s and at the Academy, whose member I have become (don’t say any-
thing so that nothing gets in the
On Sunday we’ll still be visiting Julius
in Utrecht to play
Then it’s homeward bound. Ilse kept me very nicely up
to date. But I was
It was nice, but now I’m looking forward to seeing you all again very much.
Kisses from your
Greetings to Ilse, Margot, and the
33. To Ilse Einstein
[Leyden, 27 May 1920]
Dear Ilse,
I’m a heel for not having answered your letters and for writing
so little;
but you are a dear, irreproachable monkey, as you yourself
coming back on Monday, so help me God; then we can discuss everything I had
neglected from here. This evening I had a war of words at the colloquium with an
antirelativist (not an anti-Semite, because he’s called
Apologize for me
to Mama for having written her so little this time—she also was quieter than usual;
but I hope and confidently expect she will make up for it abundantly in person.
Kisses to all three of