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223. To Max M. Warburg[1]
Berlin, W 30, 5 Haberland St., 8 December 1920
Dear Mr. Warburg,
Upon closer consideration, the favor that my wife recently asked of you on my
behalf does appear to me a bit presumptuous. I would like to ask you earnestly
whether you really want to keep the promise, so disconcertedly given, of approach-
ing your
If you could interest another person with sufficient experience,
tact, and influence, in the negotiations to be made in America, instead of your busy
brother, I would still be very gratefully obliged to you.
Until now I received official invitations from the Universities of Princeton and
Wisconsin (Madison) and from the National Academy in Washington; Princeton,
represented by President
proposed that I go there immediately and lec-
ture throughout the whole semester; respecting the business side, they remarked:
“that the matter would be settled later according to my wishes.” Wisconsin negoti-
ated orally through the American envoy in Christiania,
visited me here.
I informed both of these universities that I was prepared to lecture there three
times a week for two months each; to be precise, in the period between October
1921 and March 1922 (altogether 4 months). In payment, I asked for 15,000 dollars
from each university; however, I demanded no compensation for travel or
I wrote to decline the Academy in Washington, which offered me 3,000 dollars
in payment for the whole America trip (with free travel and free accommodations),
on the grounds that I was negotiating with the two mentioned
I have
heard nothing more from Wisconsin University since my reply (6 weeks). From
Princeton I got no answer, either; but it’s been only three weeks. I do have the im-
pression, though, that my demands are too high for both these universities.
I am determined to take upon myself the loss of time and exertions of such a tour
only if I can thereby gain a certain financial independence. This I can achieve only
if I can lay aside at least 20–25,000 dollars, that is, remaining after subtraction of
the travel costs. If this is not achievable, I prefer to stay here.
Under the circumstances described, nothing can happen along the official route,
of course. However, an influential person in America surely could assess whether
the goal I am striving for is attainable by a suitable division of the time among many