3 6 6 I N D E X
Lorenz, Richard (1863–1929), 208
Los von Rom movement, 72
Löwenthal, Ilse. See Einstein, Ilse
Löwenthal, Margot. See Einstein, Margot
Löwenthal-Einstein, Elsa. See Einstein, Elsa
Lucerne, climate, 104
Lüdemann, Hermann (1880–1957), 175
Lugano, 23
Lummitzsch, Otto (1886–1962), 285
Lunacharskii, Anatolii (1884–1953), 198
Luther, Martin (1483–1546), 18
L.V.G., Luftverkehrsgesellschaft, AE’s income
from, 64–65
Mach, Ernst (1838–1916): 41, 109; concept of
connection (Verknüpfung), 182; criticism of
Newtonian mechanics, 202; on observability,
Madelung, Erwin (1881–1972), as candidate for
Born’s successor, 328
Magnetic effect on electrons, novel theory of, 6
Magnetism meeting in Leyden, “Magnet-
Woche”: 229, 231, 233, 255, 296; planned,
214, 222
Magnetism: at low temperatures, 188, 222; Cu-
rie’s law, 255; experimental investigations on
nature of, 15; diamagnetism, 188; discussions
on with Ehrenfest, 214; elementary magnets
in crystals, 229; Langevin’s law, 233; para-
magnetism, 188; topic discussed at 1921
Solvay meeting, 188
Majorana, Quirino (1871–1957), on absorption
of gravitation, 178, 184
Malkin, Israel: asks AE not to leave Berlin, 242;
expresses sympathy for AE, 242
Marcus Aurelius, 216
Maric;, Zora (1883–1938): 28, 60, 78, 87; lives
with Mileva, 62; placed in a mental institu-
tion, 87
Maxwell, James Clerk (1831–1879): determina-
tion of absolute motion of solar system, 329
Mechanics: and time-reversal invariance, 31;
classical, 38; of continua, 149; mechanical
analogies to explain action-at-a-distance
forces, 310
Medicus, Fritz (1876–1956), 159
Meinecke, Friedrich (1862–1954), 150
Meißner, Alexander (1883–1958), infringement
of patent of, 308
Meissner, Janka, 176
Meissner, Karl (1891–1959), 122
Meißner, Walther (1882–1974), on news of AE’s
intention to leave Berlin, 249
Meissners, landlords at Haberlandstrasse, 69, 73
Mendelssohn, Moses (1786–1829), 245
Mendelssohn Bartholdi, Felix (1809–1847), 47, 96
Menger, Anton, 81
Mercury, perihelion motion of: AE on, 19;
Wiechert on, 37; Zangger on, 33
Mergentheim: 61; preferred to Tarasp by AE as
resort, 61
Meyer, Edgar (1879–1960): 20, 40, 110, 118,
122, 124, 128, 130, 315; solicits recommen-
dation from AE, 15; accident of, 121; finds
University of Tübingen reactionary, 177; in-
vites AE to University of Zurich, 305; on
GDNÄ meeting in Bad Nauheim, 305; on AE
considering leaving Berlin, 305; on Swiss de-
mocracy, 305
Meyer, Isaak (1883–1967): 262; offers gate to
Hebrew university in honor of AE, 262; on
AE’s flee from Germany to Palestina, 262
Michelson-Morley experiment. See also Relativ-
ity, special theory of
Milky Way, 318
Millikan, Robert (1868–1953): 329; invited to
Solvay meeting, 189
Mises, Richard von (1883–1953), 184, 219
Mittag-Leffler, Gösta (1846–1927), solicits pa-
per from AE on Poincaré, 212
Moissi, Alexander (1880–1935), expresses sym-
pathy for AE, 247
Molecular forces: 306; modified in length con-
traction, 7
Molecular theory of gases, 7
Molecules, true volume of, Wöhlisch on, 295
Monorail, plan by Hans Albert, 106–107
Moser, Greti, 175
Moszkowski, Alexander (1851–1934): 66, 128,
131, 273, 283, 284; AE compares with
Lenard and Wien, 296; Moszkowski 1921, AE
forbids publication of, 290, 293, 296–297;
Born, Hedwig on, 282–284; Born, Max on,
290–291, 297–298; meeting at home of, 73,
75; plans review of Einstein 1917a, 71; works
of, 282
Moszkowski, Bertha (1859–1942), 128, 273,
294–295, 299–300
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756–1791): 47,
96; sonata of, 36
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