D O C U M E N T S 2 3 , 2 4 M A Y 1 9 2 0 1 6 7
23. To Max Wertheimer
[Leyden, 21 May
Dear Wertheimer,
You are entirely right with your warning, and I think it is very nice of you not to
let me fall into the
I am having a fine time here. On the 31st, I am returning
to Berlin. I hope we shall see each other soon then.
Cordial regards, yours,
A. Einstein.
24. From Erich Regener[1]
Stuttgart, 13 Wiederhold St., 21 May 1920
Dear Mr. Einstein,
May I ask for your help in two small matters, which I hope will not take up too
much of your precious time.
The first point regards Dr. Reichenbach, whom I would like to help with his ha-
bilitation degree as quickly as
He has submitted a thesis, “Die Bedeu-
tung der Relativitätstheorie für den physikalischen Erkenntnisbegriff” [The
Significance of Relativity Theory for the Physical Concept of Knowledge]. He told
me that you have already read the work, so I do not need to send it to
I must say that my own experience does not suffice to appreciate the work enough
and I believe, furthermore, that your evaluation of the work would have very much
weight here at the university, so I have favorable hopes for a smooth passage of the
habilitation. It would be particularly valuable, because the work really is to a large
part of a philosophical nature, but Mr. Reichenbach is supposed to habilitate in
physics. Now, I do believe that you will agree with me that particularly with the
current development of physics such works in particular are very useful for physi-
cists, so his thesis could also serve Mr. Reichenbach toward his habilitation.
I would therefore be extremely grateful for a few lines in this reg[ard].
The second point concerns the filling of an Extraordinary Professorship in the-
oretical physics at the local university. The position is pending at the State Parlia-
ment and should be available by autumn. I already discussed this with you in Berlin
and you mentioned Mr.
I am still considering him primarily but must
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