1 6 4 D O C U M E N T 1 9 M A Y 1 9 2 0
In order to lend the broadest cultural value possible to this study, I have given a
very brief and general historical survey of mathematical physics since Newton. If
you would like to glance through this paper, I point out that I start discussing
Lorentz’s work on page 19; the experiment by Michelson and Morley on page 23,
whereas the Einstein theories are not really treated before page 30.–
I naturally proceeded with the greatest care, so as not to clash head-on against
any of the scientific opinions held by the readers; and I had to hide, to a large part,
the immense intellectual sympathy which your discoveries inspired in me.–
There remains drawing the article’s general conclusions as they pertain to its
proximity to truth, considered from the triple philosophical perspectives of its rela-
tion with space, time, and the categories of reason.–
I would be very glad, so as not to commit any errors on this subject, to know your
view if possible; for it is difficult for a man without genius to penetrate the intimate
mind of Einstein.–
I dare to hope, without attaching any undue value of discovery to this essay, that
you would find its endeavor of interest (which had hitherto not been tried) to give
intelligent and educated readers, albeit lacking mathematical knowledge, an im-
pression of what the progress of science could hold, when it is guided in a particular
direction by a man of genius.–
If in this paper certain assertions may seem erroneous, doubtful, or inconsistent
with your point of view, I would be extremely pleased if you would point them out
to me, so that I and my readers may profit from them.–
I extend to you, Professor, my profound admiration.–
L. Fabre.
19. To Elsa Einstein
[Leyden,] Wednesday. [19 May 1920]
Dear Else,
This evening I have to give a popular
Yesterday I attended a talk by a
scientific opponent; it interested me even though it was not particularly
I’ve become very good friends with the Ehrenfest children and play
with them very
I also have to study Cassirer’s manuscript, which is less
These philosophers are peculiar birds. I think I’ll call Halle off because
the blather would make me
In the coming days I’ll be going to the seaside
with Mrs.
Both E[hrenfests] cannot be away from the children. We are
living here so very pleasantly that the time seemed to fly by. It would probably be
best if I went directly to Christiania and go to Hamburg only on my return
I have received nothing from any of you for almost a week, but it probably is due