3 3 0 D O C U M E N T S 2 2 9 , 2 3 0 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 0
226. From Harm H. Kamerlingh Onnes
[Oegstgeest] 8 December 1920
[Not selected for translation.]
227. To Paul Ehrenfest (?)
[ca. 9 December 1920]
[Not selected for translation.]
228. From Rudolf Goldscheid[1]
Vienna, 13 December 1920
[Not selected for translation.]
229. From Albert G. Schmedeman
Christiania …13 December 1920, 12 o’clock 20 min.
regents university wisconsin just informed
that fifteen thousand dollars be-
yond their
they wish to know if i[t] is possible to arrange series of lectures
at wisconsin prince[ton] and one other university for one or two weeks each for the
coming summer stop on what terms will you consider such a proposition telegraph
me reply =
230. To George B. Jeffery
Berlin, 14 December 1920
Dear Colleague,
Your extremely friendly letter of October 14th filled me with extraordinary joy
and gratitude; I welcome it not just from the personal point of view but particularly
as a sign of the renewal of friendly relations with fellows in the profession across
the Channel. On my side, certainly nothing should be left undone that can alleviate
the hardships of the past and the