2 1 6 I N D E X
Barbusse, Henri (1873–1935), 188
on nonpolitical character of Clarté movement,
solicits article from AE for Clarté, 188
Barker, Ernest (1874–1960), 92, 97
Beck, Carl (1864–1952), 31, 32, 52, 90–91, 93,
115, 118; as adviser for AE US lecture tour,
Beck, Emil (1881–1965), 73, 80; on molecular
currents, 46
Benzingen, 88
AE on postwar conditions in, 13
AE rooted in, 164
Ehrenfest visits, 108
Berliner, Arnold (1862–1942), 16, 23, 76, 207
on anti-relativists, 23–24
on bibliography on relativity, 23–24
mediates between AE and Freundlich on manu-
script dispute, 205–206
on merging German physics journals, 16
on Moszkowski’s book on AE, 23–24
on publication of Einstein 1921c, 23
on report in Physikalische Zeitschrift on dis-
cussion at Bad Nauheim meeting, 16
Bern, students consider inviting AE to, 207
Besso, Michele (1873–1955), 58, 102, 106
AE looks forward to meeting in Switzerland,
AE meets in Zurich, 183
on courage of Jews, 106
has lost AE’s publications, 206
on headquarters of Swiss Patent Office, 107
on high prices in Switzerland, 107
interested in Hebrew University, 106
on press hyenas, 138–139
on publication of AE’s collected papers, 206
Besso, Vero (1898–1962), 139
Besso-Winteler, Anna (1872–1944), 103
Beta-radiation scattering, Meitner on, 132–133
Bjerrum, Niels (1879–1958), 209
Black-body radiation, fluctuations in, 184
Blumenfeld, Kurt (1884–1963), 74
Blüthner-Saal, Berlin, AE addresses Zionist rally
at, 144
BNV. See Bund “Neues Vaterland”
Boas, Franz (1858–1942), 92; requests AE’s
opinion on Emergency Society in Aid of Ger-
man and Austrian Science and Art, 90
Boas, Hans (1869–?), 80
Boguslavsky, Sergei, radiation theory of, 32, 41
Bohr, Christian (1916–1934), 209
Bohr, Erik (1920–1990), 209
Bohr, Hans Henrik (*1918), 209
Bohr, Harald (1887–1951), 209
Bohr, Niels (1885–1962), 24, 37, 42, 43, 44, 79,
140, 144
Born on, 193
does not participate in Third Solvay Congress,
Ehrenfest stays with in Copenhagen, 209
interested in AE’s model for superconducting
currents, 209
plans lecture in Göttingen, 79
requests AE’s photo, 25
thanks AE for reception in Berlin, 24
theory of atomic structure, 123, 211
Bohr-Adler, Ellen (1860–1930), 209
Bohr-Nørlund, Margrethe (1889–1984), 209
Bologna, AE’s lectures in, 124
Boltzmann, Ludwig (1844–1906), 207
Born, Gritli (1915–2000), 176, 194
Born, Gustav (*1921), 140, 176, 194, 211
Born, Hedwig (1882–1972), 32, 140, 143, 176;
illness of, 43
Born, Irene (1914–2003), 176, 194
Born, Max (1882–1970), 10, 32, 140, 143, 144,
145, 175, 192
AE on relativity book of, 33
on anti-Semitism in Germany, 42
on approximation method, 176
on Bohr, 193
book on relativity of, 43; Zangger on, 8
on burglary in their house, 43
on Carathéodory’s thermodynamics, 42
collaborates with Pauli on quantum theory of
atom, 176
concerned about AE’s affairs, 41
on crystals, 193
depressed by politics, 176
disgusted by Entente, 176
on electrostatic grid potentials, 42
on exact theory for currents of slow electrons,
193; AE on, 211
on German misbehavior in WWI, 176
health of, 176, 192, 211
on lattice potentials, 176
on Laue’s book on relativity, 194
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