2 0 6 D O C U M E N T 3 3 8 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 1
request because I know about the matter from the day you gave him the manuscript
until the vicissitudes of the last few days, but additionally also believe I know you
personally and Mr. Freundlich so well that I am firmly convinced of a satisfactory
solution for all parties. I ask you please just to allow the holidays to pass and then
to set an appointment for me sometime for a personal discussion. For today I just
restrict myself to calling to your mind that (according to a communication by Mr.
Freundlich by letter) at the last meeting with Freundlich you conceded to him with-
out reserve and openly: “If I gave it to you, then it belongs to you and you can keep
it.” Mr. Freundlich understandably places importance on reminding you of this,
which you surely would not dispute, and furthermore that you did not utter a word
of disapproval when he briefly indicated to you that he had the intention of using
the manuscript for a foundation for research purposes, which he was going to tell
you more about.
I hope to hear from you soon after Christmas when we can discuss this and
remain, with best regards and best wishes for the holidays, your very humble ser-
A. Berliner.
338. From Michele Besso
Bern, 42 Ziegler Street, 23 December 1921
Dear Albert,
I would refrain from telling you formally for Christmas and New Years the affec-
tionate things that move me when thinking of you, if a minor private mishap hadn’t
inspired me to think of an undoubtedly useful enterprise.
I was again unable to find the complete collection of all your papers until 1919.
It seems to have gotten lost during my Roman move or
It understandably meant particularly much to me, because it brought to life other
remarks made in addition.
But why shouldn’t this rare collection be made accessible to everyone along with
the essentials for an insight into the historical development of the problems posed,
and about the novelty of what you had said for reasons of form or substance, per-
haps even what you would like to have said differently?
Many would procure the collection at any price, particularly with such an intro-
duction, perhaps provided with minimal footnotes. With relatively slight effort (I
do not estimate it as that slight, because it would demand earnest retrospection
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