7 4 D O C U M E N T 9 3 M A R C H 1 9 2 1
of making the preparations for our work in America for the
Both men
comment that they are of the conviction that it would be absolutely necessary for
the success of our activities in America that you accept invitations from American
universities to deliver scientific talks. If I am not mistaken, you have already been
negotiating about such
I naturally would not permit myself to influence
you in any way in your freedom of choice and would only like to convey to you the
view of our friends in America that by accepting a few such invitations at universi-
ties you would be supporting our own work most effectively.
I would be much obliged to you if you would let me know your decision about
this and would inform me whether and which arrangements you might already have
made in America so that I can consult with our friends over there. Perhaps you
could also tell me the absolutely latest date until which you could extend your stay
in America. Mr.
or the Department for Central
will be so
kind as to forward your reply to me.
With best regards, I am, esteemed Professor, yours very sincerely,
Ch. Weizmann.
92. From Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe[1]
Munich, 10 March 1921
[Not selected for translation.]
93. From Maurice Solovine
Paris, 39 Blvd. de Port-Royal, 11 March 1921
Dear Einstein,
I read your dear
which I just received, with delight and thank you for
the kindness of sending me your
Although I have not received them yet,
I hope to gain possession of them soon.
This morning I had a conversation with the managing director of the publishing
house Gauthier-Villars concerning the translation of your speech “Geometry and
Experience.” He accepted publishing it under the same conditions as the speech on
the ether and relativity
And since you have to go to America, I asked him
to forward to you the new contract, so that you can sign it, and the business would
be settled. So please do your utmost to obtain permission from the Academy of
I shall start the translation as soon as I receive the speech.