1 4 0 D O C U M E N T S 2 0 1 2 0 4 A U G U S T 1 9 2 1
201. From Max Born
Göttingen, 4 August 1921
Dear Einstein,
On the 29th of Jul. a little boy, Gustav
came into the world. My
is feeling quite well, she sends kind regards.– I’m staying here a few more weeks
and am then going somewhere to relax. Unfortunately, I have to go to Jena to the
about the journals,
I had actually sworn to myself
never to attend conferences anymore.
invited me to stay with him and
wrote me that you also should stay with him. That would be nice. Franck is going
to Copenhagen in September to see
I am now brooding with Brody over
the equation of state for solid bodies, for which we are now developing the rigorous
theory for
a quite tedious business. But good progress is being made.
With cord. regards to your family members,
Max Born.
202. To Moritz Schlick
[Kiel,] 10 August 1921
Dear Mr. Schlick,
It was very nice visiting you. This morning I read your paper about Cassirer with
It’s been a long time since I read anything so discerning and true.
Cordial regards, yours,
A. Einstein.
203. To Joachim von Winterfeldt-Menkin
[Berlin, after 10 August 1921]
[Not selected for translation.]
204. From Arnold Sommerfeld
Munich, 10 August 1921
Dear Einstein,
My memory tells me that my postcard to you may have been far too laconic and,
under pressure of the semester, far too
So I would like to tell you
again how much all of us are looking forward to seeing you. I shall invite various
scientif. associations (Eng. Association, Doctors’ Association, Mathematicians’
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