D O C U M E N T 3 4 5 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 1 2 1 1
In closing I would still like to inform you that, lately, I conducted physico-cos-
mological research, which I hope will not be entirely uninteresting to you. It relates
to thoughts I had also mentioned to you in my letters in
and which have
been occupying me more intensely since then. I do not yet know at the moment
when and where my work will appear, because it is a quite voluminous treatise.
In wishing you, Professor, a happy New Year, I am most respectfully yours,
Dr. Franz Selety.
345. To Hedwig and Max Born
[Berlin,] 30 December 1921
Dear Borns,
Today, cordial New Years greetings! The photograph of the littlest Born heartily
delighted all of
No one thinks about the Amazon clash
The news
that you, d[ear] Born, had to go through so much with your health dismays
I hope all of you are fit and healthy again by now. Pauli is a fine fellow, for all his
21 years of age; he can be proud of his article in the
Polányi’s ideas
make me shudder somewhat. But he has discovered difficulties for which I still
know of no reasonable cure. Particularly, a numerical consideration on the radia-
tion-molecule equilibrium is a splitting headache for
There is surely much
truth to Polányi’s ideas about the rigidity of
just the extension to gases
seems aberrant to me. Your investigation of electron streams seems
Your rebuttal regarding Soldner in the Frankfurter Zeitung appealed to me very
Now, thanks to the excellent collaboration of Geiger and Bothe, the exper-
iment on light emission is
Result: The emission of light by the moving
canal-ray particle is strictly monochromatic, whereas according to the undulatory
theory, the color of the elementary emission ought to be different in different direc-
tions. Thus it is surely proven that the undulatory field has no real existence and
that Bohrian emission is an instantaneous process in the real
It is my most
powerful scientific experience in years. Ehrenfest writes enthusiastically about
Bohr’s atomic theory; he is visiting
When Ehrenfest is convinced, then
there is something to it; as he’s a skeptical fellow.
Greetings to the little ones and, to both of
good luck for the New Year,
cordially yours,
A. Einstein.
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