D O C U M E N T 3 3 9 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 1 2 0 7
which you may not be fully accustomed to doing) you would produce something
of immense material and intellectual worth.
In the introduction I imagine you would convey which works were already
familiar to you at the beginning of your work: Boltzmann, Lorentz (precisely which
of their writings), then Planck (precisely which
About the outdated
papers you would say how, why, by whom; and also what they contain that has not
yet been superceded, still not fully developed. I would not deprive the readers of
the published dead ends, they being particularly instructive. What you still regard
as valid; what is canonical secure and final would be apparent within this context.
As concerns the gen. th. of rel., it seems to me there is something to say about what
you developed about energy, Hamilton’s
about the essential and less
deeply woven cosmological connections.
Regarding heat theory, the position of your older papers and what they still have
to say today or where their right points usefulness may have been better presented
elsewhere since.
Such a retrospective, an introduction into the importance of individual papers,
and prospects would be of very great value—could initially only be very brief and
just contain what presently easily occurs to you—with a mental proviso of emen-
dations to a later edition or special treatment.
Please don’t immediately be negatively disposed. I’m already so enthusiastic
about it, quite egotistically, from the outset! Warm regards and good wishes from
all of us!
Legend has it that you are supposedly (or supposed
be speaking in Dornach.
The local liberal student association also intended, in that case, to invite you to give
a lecture over here. It would be very nice if this brought us
I open the already sealed letter to extend my good wishes to all your family
members, as anyway goes without saying!
339. To Arnold Berliner
Berlin, 24 December 1921
Dear Mr. Berliner,
Following on our phone
I must tell you again that this time I can-
not forgive again as in earlier incidents, because deception of the worst kind is
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