D O C U M E N T S 1 5 9 , 1 6 0 J U N E 1 9 2 1 1 1 5
you are sure to find him; the other to Dr. Beck, a famous doctor
with a large private clinic in
He has connections in university circles. I
am certain that you could earn something in America, although midsummer is a
very unfavorable time, because then the major cities are almost abandoned, so it
would be hard to find people. The fall would be significantly more favorable.
Thank you very much for forwarding the books you had published.
Cordial regards, yours.
158. From Michele Besso
Bern, 26 June
[Not selected for translation.]
159. From Richard B. Haldane
26 June 21
Dear Professor Einstein,
It was indeed a pleasure to receive your
There is no doubt that your visit has had more tangible results in improving here
the relations between our two countries than any other single event.
Your name is a power in our country.
It was to me an incomparable advantage to have the pleasure of intimate talk
with you through three days.
Believe me, yours sincerely,
Translator’s note: Original written in English.
160. From Fritz Haber
Dahlem, Berlin, 4–6 Faradayweg, 28 June 1921
Dear Einstein,
You repeatedly expressed such great interest in and such a good opinion of Pres-
that I consider it permissible to impose on you for his sake. To put
it briefly, Warburg still feels with his 75 years completely fresh and able to work
but has reservations about remaining indefinitely in his official post, because all the