I N D E X 2 1 7
on measuring elasticity constants of diamond,
on Moszkowski’s book on AE, 41
on Pauli, 176, 192, 194
pessimist in politics, 43
on Polányi’s work, 193
on problems with Boguslavsky’s visa, 41
on quanta as hopeless mess, 176
requests KWIP funds for X-ray apparatus, 143,
175, 192
on Soldner, 194, 211
on thermodynamics of crystals, 176
visits Ehrwald, 176
Bothe, Walther (1891–1957), 211
Bragg, William H. (1862–1942), 87
Bragg, William L. (1890–1971), 108
Brandeis, Louis D. (1856–1941), 96, 130; on
meeting AE and Elsa Einstein in Washington,
D.C., 96
Brandeis group, dispute with Weizmann, 102
Bredig, Georg (1868–1944), 54
Brillouin, Léon (1889–1969), 87
Brillouin, Marcel (1854–1948), 87
Bródy, Imre (1891–1944), 42, 140, 176; collabo-
rates with Born, 176
Brown, Cyril (1887–1949), 124
Buisson, Henri, 103, 107
Bund “Neues Vaterland” (BNV), 12
appeal for donations, 109
sues Le Matin, 19
Busch, Adolf (1891–1952), 21, 27
Butler, Nicolas (1862–1947), 100, 110
Byk, Alfred (1878–1942), 42; on corresponding
states and quanta, 33
California Institute of Technology, Millikan
appointed director of, 153
Canal ray experiment on light emission, 149,
162, 168, 189, 201, 205, 211
AE on, 143, 156
Lorentz on, 184–188
Canal rays, 134; Doppler effect in, 168
Carathéodory, Constantin (1873–1950), 42
Cardozo, Benjamin (1870–1938), 98
Carvallo, Emmanuel (1856–1945), 89
Cassirer, Ernst (1874–1945), 140
Cathode ray scattering
AE on, 133
Meitner on, 132–133
Central Association of German Citizens of the
Jewish Faith, on AE’s disagreements with the
Association, 56
Chicago, 119, 197; AE on planned stay in, 91, 93
Chulanovsky, Vladimir M. (1889–1969), re-
quests AE’s help for Rozhdestvensky’s visit,
Clarté movement, Barbusse on, 188–189
Classen, Johannes W. (1864–1928), on Ampère’s
molecular currents, 46, 51
Clausius inequality, explained by general relativ-
ity, 120
Coal, AE on role in economy of, 40–41
Cohen, Morris (1880–1947), 102, 105, 131
offers to approach US universities for invita-
tions to AE, 105
review of books on relativity, 131
thanks for AE’s gifts, 131
College of the City of New York, 102, 105
Columbia University, 100, 105, 131; awards AE
Barnard Medal, 4
Conductivity of irradiated crystals, Ioffe on, 108
Copenhagen, 20, 24, 43, 140, 209
Courant, Richard (1888–1972), 176, 199
Crucy, François (1875–1958), 199
Crystals, Born on, 176, 193
Curie, Marie (1967–1934), 87
Dante Alighieri, 173
De Haas, Wander. See Haas, Wander de
Debye, Peter (1884–1966), 16, 123, 176
Deutsche Glasglühlicht Aktiengesellschaft, divi-
dend sent to Einstein-Maric;, 6
Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG),
meeting in Jena, 140; AE will not attend, 149,
Doppler effect, in canal rays, 168
Dornach, 207
Double stars, in relativity, 129, 136–137, 154,
164–165, 197
DPG. See Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft
Dualism of field and matter, AE against, 196
Dunn, Gano (1870–1953), 94, 105
Dutch-German eclipse expedition (1922), 198
Dutch Society of Sciences, publications of in He-
brew University library, 117
Eberhard, Gustav (1867–1940), 84
Eclipse expedition to Dutch East Indies (1922),
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