1 0 2 D O C U M E N T S 1 4 0 , 1 4 1 M A Y 1 9 2 1
This I only say as my own opinion: I have no right to any offi-
cial say. It cannot be my opinion duty to interfere in these political matters
either , since I am a novice in Zionist matters Zionism. The conduct by the local
Zionist leadership in the university affair really shocked me but you are clearly not
in any way responsible for that. The main thing is that splendid success was the
result. In a few years we shall have the university in Jerusalem! Then all the quar-
rels will be forgotten and everyone will be
Accept my amicable regards and praise for your patience and conciliatory man-
ner, yours
A. Einstein.
140. To Felix Frankfurter
[New York,] 29 May 1921
Dear Mr. Frankfurter,
Today I met with Professor Cohen and am now firmly convinced that I commit-
ted an injustice by my unprepossessing behavior toward
I therefore formally
beg your forgiveness, and only request that you accord me mitigating circum-
stances. For you yourself can see how I had to arrive at the view that an unseemly
political maneuver was involved. I will try to make good on my unseemly behavior
later, should another opportunity to do so arise.
It does pain me that you took part in the campaign against
your hands were tied, perhaps your view had been obscured by tainted news, as has
also been attempted with
Get to the bottom of the matter on the basis of solid
documents, and you might perhaps change your opinion, as I have done with regard
to you. What a pity that we cannot discuss this thoroughly in person anymore!
Best regards from your
A. Einstein.
141. To Michele Besso
[New York, before 30 May
Dear Michele,
I was delighted by your news. The young people are both of mild temperament,
hence well suited for the great test of patience that marriage just happens to
Convey to him and her my best wishes.
I have two horrendously strenuous months behind me but the great satisfaction
of having been very useful to the Zionist cause and of having assured the founding