D O C U M E N T S 1 3 0 , 1 3 1 M A Y 1 9 2 1 9 7
Translator’s note: Original written in English.
129. To Theodore Lyman[1]
, 4 May 1921
[See the documentary edition for the original English.]
130. From Richard B. Haldane[1]
Westminster, 5 May 1921
Highly esteemed Professor,
It delighted us all that you are coming to London in June. Would you give me
the honour of being my guest at this address during your sojourn in London? I do
not know whether you will be on your own or whether your gracious wife is coming
It does not matter either way, because the house here is large enough.
It would be a very important pleasure for me if you found this invitation conve-
nient. On this Principal Barker and the other scholars here
Respectfully and sincerely yours,
Haldane of Cloan
I have also dispatched a telegram.
131. To Jacques Loeb
[New York,] 9 May 1921
My dear Professor Loeb,
I take pleasure in inviting you to participate in a small gathering which will take
place on Thursday, the nineteenth of May, at 8:30 P.M. at the Hotel
The object of the gathering will be to discuss with a number of gentlemen of
standing in the community, the proposed Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and to
consider ways and means of organizing in its support the sympathy which is cer-
tainly felt toward that scheme in wide circles of American Jewry, both Zionist and
Knowing the interest with which you view this great undertaking, I trust that you
will give me the benefit of your counsel and your support.
Yours very sincerely,
A. Einstein.
Translator’s note: Original written in English.