2 2 0 I N D E X
EINSTEIN, ALBERT (1879–1955): PERSONAL (cont.)
not worried about others, 162
old for great discoveries, 86
pamphlet on reporters, 142
pessimist, 85
prepared to exchange position in Berlin for one
in Bologna, 183
on reception in the US, 101
on relationship between body and soul, 35
on relationship between climate and Germans
and Swiss, 9
requests help in meeting Chicago scientists, 91,
rooted in Berlin, 164
as slave of mailman, 143
sons, 138
had difficult childhood experiences, 147
having mercantile spirit without metaphys-
ical interests, 9
incident between stepdaughters and, 147
intelligent, musical, and childish, 183
lazy in writing, 78
looking forward to seeing Eduard, 167
planned vacation with, 103, 111
plans for Hans Albert’s education, 148
pleased with development and intelligence
of, 148
satisfied with, 9, 163
trip to Italy with Hans Albert, 149, 167
vacations in Wustrow with, 131, 143, 149,
on spiritism, 35
on stay in Verona, 173
on Swiss as being mean, 9
on sympathy for Chinese, 85
on tour of US and England, 91, 101, 113, 119,
on trip to Florence, 173
on trip to Italy, 182, 183
on undisturbed life, 86
on writing being a punishment, 150
on Kantian apriori space, 87
on Mach’s anti-relativistic comments, 125
on being a pacifist, 71
appeals for funds for, 109
delegate to Amsterdam meeting, 43, 59
on consequences of external pressure on
Germany, 85
considered communist by Munich students,
denies interview to Observer, 33
on difficulties in restoring international rela-
tions between scientists, 89
disapproves of Sommerfeld’s article on Lusita-
nia medal, 125
distinguishes between roles of scientists and
state, 72
Emergency Society in Aid of German and
Austrian Science and Art, appreciates work
done by, 92
on English scientists being Quakers and paci-
fists, 72
on growing European solidarity, 163
on his success in restoration of international
relations between scientists, 110
on irritating effect of his political views, 33
Komitee Künstlerhilfe für die Hungernden in
Russland, denies request of, 160
on mutiny in Russia, 79
Nobel Peace Prize nominations of: Benes,
Masaryk, 18
on objectivity of English scientists, 125
praises pacifism of British scientists, 84–85
praises UK, 110
on reestablishment of international ties, 119,
on relations between Germany and England,
72, 212
on reparations, 33
on return of German nationalistic mania, 78
on traditional prejudices of German scientists,
US invitations to lecture as signs of restoration
of international relations, 47, 50
Hebrew edition, 166
Yiddish edition, 166
“On Reporters,” 153–154, 164
Princeton lectures, French edition, 117
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