1 4 2 D O C U M E N T S 2 0 7 , 2 1 0 A U G U S T 1 9 2 1
207. To Elsa Einstein
[Kiel, 14 August 1921]
Dear Else,
I’m coming Tuesday or Wednesday. The newspaper reports about the travels are
all based on
I didn’t negotiate with a single person. I’m going nowhere
besides Italy and Holland, including the detour to Munich, against which I cannot
Tell your acquaintances not to send you anymore newspapers
containing anything about me. The thing about the Frenchman was very funny, as
if he wanted to make himself ridiculous My joke about reporters ought to be put in
the dailies that had printed that miserable stuff before (in
Don’t be so
upset and excited all the time. Everything’s going on as calmly as ever. I’m very
enthusiastic about the log cabin in
We’re not giving up any
Warm regards, yours,
We’ll invite Haldane to stay with us, if he’s on his
We can only take in more
persons as l[ong as] the children are
208. To Paul Epstein
14 August 1921
[Not selected for translation.]
209. From Arthur Holitscher[1]
Berlin v. 15, 12 Ludwigskirch Place, 16 August 1921
[Not selected for translation.]
210. From Maurice Solovine
Wissant (Straits of Calais), Hôtel des Bains, 17 August 1921
Dear Einstein,
I arrived here at the seashore a few days ago, where I plan to stay until the 15th
of September. If you have finished writing a part of your lectures held in America,
I sincerely ask you to send them to me here so that I can start the translation as