I N D E X 2 1 9
142, 167–168, 168, 173
University of Wisconsin, 47
Yale University, 47
address at Zionist rally in Blütner Hall, Berlin,
advised to emigrate to Jerusalem, 123
on being a “loyal Jew,” 127
on being a novice in Zionist matters, 102
on concept of Jewish community, 69
criticizes ZOA policy, 102, 103
on extreme Jewish nationalism being prevent-
ed by small size and dependence of Pales-
tine, 81
Hebrew University, on planned speeches on
behalf of, 91
on insignificance of religious affiliation, 127
on interpretation of term Jew, 11
Jewish community of Berlin, does not join, 11,
61, 66–67, 69
is Jewish due to his nationality, 11
on Jews as race, nation, or social community,
Jews more clever than courageous, 103
on Jews’ deference to non-Jews, 101
on nationalism among Jews, 110
organizes gathering to establish University Aid
Committee, 97
ready to help individual Jews and non-religious
Jewish organizations, 69
solidarity with his fellow Jews, 68
on University Aid Committee, 90–91
on Zionism, 110
Zionist mission to US, 50, 52, 67, 68, 101, 102–
103, 110
on indignation of German Jews about, 67
invited to participate in, 46, 90
joins, 54, 59, 61, 71
Dresden, 20
King’s College, London, 121
Princeton University, 47, 101, 114, 154
Technical University of Dresden, 20, 30
University of Bologna, 183
University of Leyden, 44, 48–49
University of Munich, cancels, 161–162
University of Padova, 183
Urania in Prague, 13
Vienna, 13, 30
Yale University, 50
arrangements for summer vacation, 117
on arts and science, 30
on attire, 190
on being born for concentration and not for ad-
aptation, 9
on being paralyzed by variety of duties, 9
on being termed a “wild animal,” 72
on being too much in the public eye, 167
on Berlin, 78
compares Latins, Germans, and Swiss, 9
cottage in Spandau, 138, 141, 142, 149
devoted to German friends and not to
Germany, 71
enormous capability of concentration, Besso
on, 139
fed up with relativity, 13
feels aggrieved by German physicists, 149
felt like prize ox in US, 103
on gaining weight, 182
happy with failure of US lecture tour, 44
has no English, 50, 93
on hasty life, 85
ill with: enteritis, 19, 27; inflammation of
throat, 150
interested in Oriental people and culture, 161
internationally minded, 71
on Italy being expensive, 173
on laziness in letter-writing, 78
on Margot Einstein, 147, 149
on meager knowledge of Italian, 169, 173
on meager prospects for careers in science, 163
on moral duty to remain in Berlin, 154
on morale in cities, 162
on moving Swiss family to Germany, 9, 148,
167, 183
plays Mozart in Prague, 13
plays quartet in Prague, 13
negates existence of the spiritual as separate
from the material, 35–36
new domestic helper as temptation, 184
no religious affiliation, 11
no soul without body, 35
not spoilt by fame, 68