D O C U M E N T 1 1 5 A P R I L 1 9 2 1 9 1
profit by this opportunity in order to deliver a number of lectures. I have already
arranged with the Princeton University to deliver five lectures there in the second
week of
I may also lecture at one or two other
The committee on behalf of which you were approached is, I understand, a com-
mittee to promote the cause of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem which has been
organized in connection with my
I authorized a message of welcome to that
committee since it’s my object to encourage every effort on behalf of the university.
However, the composition of the committee is not known to me. I think that such
improvised committees must necessarily have a provisional character and will
require a certain amount of supplementing, coordination, reorganization, etc., both
during my stay here and even more so afterwards. Steps are also being taken in New
York to found an important University Committee on a big
The invitations
will probably come from a group at the head of which will be Oscar Straus, Dr.
Loeb, Judge Mack, and a few other well known
It will be a great plea-
sure for me to learn that you, dear Dr. Beck, are prepared to give the cause of the
Jerusalem University the benefit of your support and to cooperate with me during
my stay in Chicago in that matter.
As I mentioned already my journey has also a second object namely, to come
into contact in so far as possible under the circumstances with the American world
of science. I shall feel very grateful to you if you will kindly give me your assis-
tance in organizing my meeting with those Chicago scientists with whom I have
more common ground
I thank you very sincerely for your kind invitation to be your guest during my
stay in Chicago, which, I regret, I must decline: my work for the Jerusalem Univer-
sity makes me a center of so much noise and coming and going that I would be
really a most troublesome guest.
As to your question about my speaking in public, I may have to say a word or
two at some gathering in favor of the Jerusalem University. As to my scientific lec-
ture, the situation is not yet sufficiently clear except with regard to Princeton, as I
have already mentioned.
Allow me to thank you again very sincerely for your kind attention and offer of
assistance. With kind regards, yours very truly,
A. Einstein.
P.S. I chose Princeton University primarily because this university was the first to
extend an invitation to
Translator’s note: Original written in English (except for postscript).