7 8 D O C U M E N T 9 7 M A R C H 1 9 2 1
no other philosopher, a profound knowledge of mathematical physics, but rather on
the extraordinary lucidity and autonomy with which he is able to treat epistemolog-
ical problems. As I read his book on
his clear style reminds me of
Many conversations I had the opportunity to conduct with him on
philosophical and other scientific subjects convinced me that he knows how to dis-
cuss and present even difficult material ad lib. I have not heard any lectures by him
yet, unfortunately, so I cannot answer your question fully in this respect. As regards
Schlick’s philosophical standpoint, his independence from the dogmas of Kantian
philosophy will perhaps be credited him by a later generation; it would be entirely
unjustified to accuse him of shallow empiricism or positivism for that. Schlick is
one of few philosophers today with the broad perspective and knowledge needed
for philosophical penetration into the exact sciences.
I think back with pleasure on our walk in Kiel and our conversations
In utmost respect, yours.
97. To Heinrich Zangger
[Berlin,] 14 March 1921
Dear friend Zangger,
I wrote a bit too bearishly in my last letter and you are right to
Sunday it’s away, down the chute to America, that is, not just to speak at universi-
ties (which will probably also happen on the side) but also because of the founding
of the Jewish university in
I feel a keen need to do something for this
cause. It is incomprehensible to me that you spent a single minute on the
I did not do so, thus my mental well-being is not in danger,
either. I know that unctuous frankincense is also a commodity, even though “non-
fragrance” [non olet] is even less well placed here than at other
I also
wrote my boys a day or so ago; they inherited from me lax letter-writing, just like
I did from my
This is actually the only trait that is being passed on in my
family, not counting some intellectual ability and a certain obstinacy. The Berlin I
live in is not nearly as foul an atmosphere as you imagine, just a bit hectic and agi-
tating. You have to see it sometime. Shall we see each other in America? My
address there is the Kuhn, Loeb [& Co.] firm (bankers), New
(sounds gen-
uinely American). That will be another mad rush! There’s a fine patriotic fad here
again as once upon a time under [Kaiser] Wilhelm; they don’t
regards, yours,
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