8 6 D O C U M E N T S 1 0 6 , 1 0 7 M A R C H 1 9 2 1
My local conflicts have been very much overblown. I view those people far too
objectively and am too well secured materially for them to make any difference to
me. I plod on unruffled and ponder as much as time permits in this whirlwind.
Besides, invention on a grand scale is the business of the young and therefore over
for me. Right now I am about to leave for America for 2 months. I would long since
have sent you a few papers if it had not been so confoundedly difficult under the
present circumstances. But I want to catch up on it.
With friendly greetings, yours,
A. Einstein.
106. To Maurice Solovine
[Berlin,] 19 March 1921
Dear Solovine,
Thank you very much for the grand article and your
I can’t write
to the newspaper of my own accord, however. It goes against my sacred principles
and habits. I could only state my opinion in response to an inquiry, which is too late
now because I’m leaving the day after tomorrow. By the way, you didn’t quite
understand. I wrote no foreword to F[abre’s
rather he forged it, whereby
among other things he lifted sentences from one of my letters. It would suit me very
well if this matter were made known. I had a notice regarding this placed in the
local gen. sci. revue Naturwissenschaften with the request that the notice be
reprinted in foreign
Best regards, yours,
A. Einstein
P.S. The article by our decent
had its origins in the April issue of the
Weltspiegel, the supplement of the Berliner Tageblatt. A brief notice that it involved
an April-fool’s joke that F. had fallen for would be more effective than any state-
ment on my part.
107. From Hendrik A. Lorentz
Haarlem, 19 March 1921
Dear Colleague,
I scarcely need to tell you how sorry I am that you are not going to come to
all the others are going to regret it sorely, too. But I understand how
you feel that it is your duty to go to America.