I N D E X 2 2 1
Barnard Medal, 5
Boas, 80
Franck, 80
Schlick, 77–78
Barbusse, for article for Clarté, 188
Kármán, for signing appeal, 199
Weyl, for PAW permission to republish paper,
147, 156, 200, 201, 205
on adapting theory of relativity to facts as
method of its development, 10
on charge transport in superconductors, 151–
experiment on energy distribution in thermal
radiation field, 11, 20, 33
experiment on nature of light, 143, 149
on geomagnetic experiment, 159, 169, 194
on gyrocompass, 134, 141, 158–159, 160, 169
on his achievements in relativity and quantum
theory, 85
on nonequivalence of temporal and spatial di-
mensions, 76
on physical meaning of electromagnetic poten-
tials, 52
redshift, no doubt about, 103
against temporal infinity of the world, 76
on tower telescope, 163
on validity of field theory, 201, 205
Einstein, Edith (1888–1960), 63; AE assists
with, 183
Einstein, Eduard (1910–1965), 7, 78, 88, 103,
111, 131, 138, 141, 143, 149, 150, 179, 182
AE on, 138, 149
AE looks forward to seeing, 167
on AE never having celebrated Christmas with
him and Hans Albert, 213
attached to AE, 183
on Christmas gifts, 213
collects stamps, 88
incident with AE’s stepdaughters, 147
needs Swiss climate, 16
New Year’s greetings to AE, 213
plays piano, 88
plays with parrots, 88
on payments from Lucerne and the Nether-
lands, 213
on receipt of payment from Lucerne, 213
silver watch from AE, 150
Zangger on, 8
Einstein, Elsa (1876–1936), 12, 13, 18, 19, 30,
54, 59, 96, 98, 101, 105, 191, 126, 131, 138,
141, 142, 143, 146, 150, 173, 181, 189
on AE’s moral duty to remain in Berlin, 154
Einstein-Maric;’s suspicions of, AE on, 183
gives shelter to Mrs. Anuschat, 178
hires new domestic, 178
on Paul Habicht, 178
on Planck’s affection for AE, 178
poor health of, AE regrets, 182
on prospects of raising AE’s sons in US, 155
requests that Freundlich return AE manuscript,
Einstein, Fanny (1852–1926), 190
Einstein, Hans Albert (1904–1973), 4, 7, 78, 88,
103, 111, 131, 138, 141, 143, 150, 167, 179,
AE on, 138, 149
AE on meeting in Innsbruck, 167, 173
AE on plans for higher education of, 148, 167
on AE’s proposal to move to Germany, 6–7
on financial difficulties, 6–7
gives up piano lessons, 7
happy to be with AE, 151
ill with throat inflammation, 213
incident with AE’s stepdaughters, 147
interested in sextant, 151
makes woodcut, 7
negative impact of move on, 16
New Year’s greetings to AE, 213
participation in school orchestra, 7, 151
on payment from Lucerne, 7
preparing for vacation with AE in Benzingen, 6
on regularity of AE’s alimony payments, 5
requests book from AE, 151
thanks AE for Christmas presents, 7
trip to Italy with AE, 88, 138, 151, 169
vacation with AE, 128–129
very attached to AE, 183
Einstein, Ilse (1897–1934), 18, 27, 49, 58, 75,
82, 113, 118, 141, 142, 143, 146, 150, 173,
189, 190, 209; engagement to Steinthal, 181,