D O C U M E N T S 1 1 1 , 1 1 3 M A R C H 1 9 2 1 8 9
111. To Emmanuel Carvallo[1]
[Berlin,] 21 March 1921
Dear Colleague,
Only today do I manage to answer your exceedingly amicable letter. I really
regard it as one of my most sacred duties to do all things capable of improving rela-
tions between scholars [again]. It certainly is not easy for someone living in the
land of the vanquished. If one is hesitant, the others find it unkind; if one is forward,
it is interpreted by one’s fellow countrymen as
Today it looks worse
than ever because the events of the day are interpreted regarded on both sides as
proof of the indispensability and essentialness of imperialism and [?]
When will Europe realize that it will fall if its political organization trails behind
the conditions afforded by the developments in technology? It is particularly omi-
nous that personal contacts between the inhabitants of the formerly hostile coun-
tries have almost completely ceased; thus the prejudices magnify into the
grotesque. Even the truism has been forgotten that the character and merit of indi-
vidual personalities is independent of the border posts erected in between their res-
You, however, have shown by your letter that you are among the valuable per-
sons for whom the ideal of international culture still means something. Friendly
greetings from your
A. Einstein.
112. From Arthur T. Hadley
[New Haven,] 21 March 1921
[See the documentary edition for the original English.]
113. To Paul Ehrenfest
[On board the T.S.S. Rotterdam, 24 March 1921]
Dear Ehrenfest,
It is nice to be in Idler’s Paradise, where there are no duties besides eating at the
right table. But today Zion appears with troubles and
Away we now go
onto the Great Water. See you again in
Warm greetings to all of you, yours,