D O C U M E N T S 2 1 4 , 2 1 5 A U G U S T 1 9 2 1 1 4 7
214. To Margot Einstein
[Berlin,] 26 August 1921
Dear Margot,
Today, when I came home, I got your letter and it pleased me very much. The
modest and honest tone in it is what I like so much. I kiss you for it and see that
there’s an element in you that’s almost as if you were a child of my own. The expla-
nation for my behavior in
which you noticed, was not due to
but because my otherwise so cheerful boys are somewhat painfully envious
of both of you, which feelings I had to make allowance for. They feel as if I had
exchanged them for you. Had I stayed longer with the two of you while they were
waiting for me, they would have been upset about it. You’d laugh it off; but the
painful experiences of their early youth have eaten into the children and seek for a
personification, and you two are that
(Now that Anna is leaving,
that source of trouble will
Something similar might have happened to
the two of you with an experience similar to that of the boys. Put yourselves in their
place and you’ll understand. From this letter I at least have the consoling belief that
we can understand each other even in difficult situations; your letter shows this to
me. If something worries you in future, do speak openly to me; it sometimes
requires emotional effort, but in the long run it really is better and doesn’t let ten-
sions, like the one in which I recently found myself, to arise.
I wish both of you a pleasant stay. Kisses from your
215. From Hermann Weyl
Reichenhall, 26 August 1921
Dear Colleague,
Blumenthal inquires of me whether I would agree that he include my note from
the Berlin proceed[ings], “Electr. and
in his relativity
rally I agree, but the Academy probably also has to give its approval. As I do not
know how one goes about doing so, I approach you with the request whether you
couldn’t arrange this; I hope this is not a major effort for you. Many thanks in
Since you stopped visiting us in Seldwyl, Zurich, I only rarely hear from you.
Are you coming to Jena in
I would very much like to discuss all sorts