3 3 8 I N D E X Diatomic molecules, rigidity of, 283 Dieterici, Conrad H. (1858–1929), 41 Diffraction theory, Kottler on, 227, 267 Dingler, Hugo (1881–1954), 329 Dispersion, anomalous in solar atmosphere as explanation of redshift, 162, 164, 174, 290 Dissociation theory, quantum theoretical, 290 Divorce proceedings 1919, 185 Dominik, Hans (1872–1945), 241 Dostoyevsky, Fyodor (1821–1885): 253, 301, 312 Karamazov Brothers, AE enjoys, 312 Drag, of sphere in fluid, 131 Drill, Robert: 169, 196 debate with Schlick, 190 “proof” of principle of energy from sau- sage, 190 Droste, Johannes (1886–1963), 62, 81, 84 Duane, William, 142 Duhamel, Georges (1884–1966), 142 Dyson, Frank W. (1868–1939): 146 notice on eclipse results, 140 proposes eclipse expedi- tion, 17 East European Jewish students, courses for, 325 Ebner, (?), official registrar, 45–46 Eclipse expedition of 1914, 159–160, 184 Eclipse expedition of 1918, 88–89 Eclipse expedition of 1919: 140, 158, 177–178 German press coverage of, 247 Lorentz’s telegram to AE on, 105 no news about re- sults of, 83, 87 organized by Dyson, 146 photos taken, 51, 76 popular enthusiasm at results of, 158 positive influence on recon- ciliation of German and English scientists, 158 positive results, 117, 130, 138, 140, 145, 147, 153, 158, 179 preliminary positive results, 95, 98, 109 preparation for, 17, 35. See also EINSTEIN, ALBERT: ECLIPSE EXPEDI- TION École Polytechnique, 202 Eddington, Arthur S. (1882–1944): 95, 106, 115, 158, 160, 184, 188, 224, 245, 249, 296, 307 and eclipse expedition, 118 interest in gener- al relativity, 146 invites AE, 224, 249 on Gold Medal affair, 224–225 on gravitational light deflection, 17 on positive result of eclipse expedition, 128 on preliminary posi- tive result of eclipse expedition, 109 on Weyl’s theory, 159 stellar theory of, 9 Eeden, Frederik van (1860–1932), 195 Ehrenberg, Viktor G. (1851–1929), on AE as German and Jew, 145 Ehrenfest, Anna (1910–1979): 82, 135 drawing of AE welcoming eclipse results, 147, 161 Ehrenfest, Anna and Tatiana, violins for, 162, 175, 191, 213, 246, 252, 282–283, 291 Ehrenfest, Paul (1880–1933): 9, 32, 81, 83, 86, 99, 106, 114, 116, 128, 130, 132, 135, 161, 164, 175, 191, 194, 202, 205, 214, 219, 251, 282, 296, 307, 309, 314, 325 advice on pamphlet of AE’s inaugural lec- ture, 225, 252, 289–290, 309–312 is against mass actions, 149 anarchistic views of, 141 asked for newspaper article on relativity, 147 call to Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, 86 efforts on behalf of Paul Epstein, 203, 207, 290, 300, 307 invites AE to Leyden, 9, 85, 107 and Hebrew University, 133, 143, 174, 191– 192, 202, 212 on AE: being called “Jewish Newton,” 174 arithmetical miscalculation, 252 diet, 95 aiding young Russian scientists, 86 being depressed, 173 on Bohr, 128 on collected articles of AE, 225, 252 on cynicism, 254 on efforts to fight against anti-Semitism, 174 on full professorship for AE at University of Leyden, 81, 84, 94 on Herglotz, 253 on his identity as Jew, 174 on historical development of theory of rela- tivity, 148 about superconductivity, 312 on literature about Jewish life, 253 on mediating between Russian and Western European science, 86 on northern German self-confidence, 253 on political unrest and Jewish unity in Eu- rope, 254 on revolution in Europe, 254 on special professorship for AE at University of Leyden, 94, 225, 311 on Zionism, 149 piano for, 175, 212, 229, 246–247, 252 popular lectures on relativity by, 288 worries about AE’s health, 106
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