2 2 4 D O C . 2 7 1 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 0 with this letter, having rather expected more resoluteness and warmth from me. But my conviction is exactly as I expressed it. Quite frankly, I am glad that I do not have to make the decision it would be hard for me. I do believe, though, that I would decide for Ehrenhaft in the end, who is a very active and energetic fellow, despite undeniable idiosyncrasies. Hearty greetings from yours. P.S. I have already informed our colleague Planck by telephone of the affair he has not received an inquiry yet.[2] 271. From Arthur S. Eddington [Cambridge,] 21 January 1920 Dear Professor Einstein, I have just heard from Mr. Ludlam that he has seen you.[1] I am sorry to say an unexpected thing has happened and at the meeting on Jan. 9 the Council of the R.A.S. rejected the award, which had been carried by quite a large majority at the previous meeting.[2] The facts (which are confidential) are that three names were proposed for the Medal. You were selected by an overwhelming majority in December. Meanwhile the “irreconcilables” took alarm, mustered up their full forces in January, and man- aged to defeat the confirmation of the award in January.[3] So for the first time for about 30 years no Gold Medal will be awarded this year! I confess I was very much surprised when the motion was proposed and carried originally (it was proposed by two men who during the war have been violently “patriotic”) [4] but until a day or two before the January meeting we all regarded the confirmation as a matter of course. I did not write before as I was doubtful if Ludlam would see you. I am sure that your disappointment will not be in any way personal and that you will share with me the regret that this promising opening of a better international spirit has had a rebuff from reaction. Nevertheless I am sure the better spirit is making progress. Mr. Ludlam mentioned the possibility that you might come over about May.[5] We should be delighted to have you and your wife to stay with us at the Observa- tory and you would get a most cordial welcome in Cambridge, and especially at my own college, Trinity (the college of Newton). You will see that there would be some awkwardness in visiting the Royal Astr. Society after what has happened al- though many astronomers would be delighted to meet you.