D O C . 3 2 0 F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 0 2 6 7 in applied mathematics. In the autumn, when Prof. Mises was in Vienna, he prom- ised me a few things along these lines, which supposedly related to Dresden. Now he has been appointed to Berlin, though, which is probably why I still have not heard anything from him up to now. I unfortunately do not know what his current address is. May I be so forward as to make the bold request that you kindly ap- proach Mises on my behalf that he keep my situation in mind?[6] As furthermore regards the scientific problems touched upon in my earlier letter, I thank you sincerely for your expressed willingness to read my encyclopedia re- view article.[7] May I now already lay before you a few questions in this regard re- lating to a few inconsistencies that I encountered while working on it? I am enclosing the announced offprint of my preliminary communication on the theory of diffraction.[8] Please consider this communication as an introduction to the larger paper referred to. This one provides the initial formal apparatus, which I was not permitted to present in the Academy reports because of space limitations. The application to radiation theory is, provisionally of course, merely programmat- ical it would please me exceedingly if you were interested in this program and sup- ported me with an exchange of ideas. Last, not least, accept my warmest felicitations for the Gold Medal of the R.S. This award seems to me highly important politically as well.[9] Dr. Lawson, who worked in the Viennese Ra[dium] Institute during the war,[10] wrote here from En- gland a while ago already that interest in your theory will lead to a reconciliation with Germany. And I hope and wholeheartedly wish that he will be right in the end. Yours very truly, Kottler. 320. Declaration by Students at the University of Berlin Berlin, 19 February 1920 Highly esteemed Professor, The undersigned members of the university unanimously declare their position, also regarding the legalistic aspect of the affair of 12 February 1920 namely, that they decidedly condemn that the incident was so much blown out of proportion, and very much regret what has happened.[1] A technicality should not cause a separation of so irreplaceable a teacher from his students.[2] We acknowledge the enormous importance of your work for our entire scientific life and for academic instruction in Berlin. That is why we appeal to you to continue to remain our teacher and our guide in the field that you were the first to open up to your admiring