D O C . 1 0 4 S E P T E M B E R 1 9 1 9 8 7 doesn’t happen, my departure would be equivalent to a shameless breach of faith toward Planck and disloyal in any case. I would have to reproach myself for it lat- er.—(I feel like a relic in an ancient church the old bones are quite useless, and yet . . .) Well, however things may turn out, this is a fine excuse for a trip to see you, es- pecially considering how terribly long it’s been since we’ve seen each other. If my tyrannical stomach permits it, I’ll visit you this fall already. Can the travel permit be obtained without much trouble, I wonder? Have you by any chance heard any- thing over there about the English solar-eclipse expedition?[6] The rest of the shop- talk will be saved up for our conversations. For my part, there’s not very much at all. For today, my affectionate regards to you and yours, from Einstein. Your postcard just arrived now as well. Be sure not to read too much into my last notice.[7] There is no empirical basis to indicate that I am on the right track there. I often doubt it myself. I’m sending you the requested papers except for the one co- authored with de Haas,[8] of which I have no more copies, and perhaps an Academy paper that has also run out. If I could only come and visit you all this fall already! My stomach is behaving quite rebelliously again,[9] and traveling conditions are supposedly downright horrific. Please send Planck’s letter back again soon. 104. To Ilse Schneider [Berlin, 15 September 1919] Dear Miss Schneider,[1] I received the dissertation by Sellien that you referred to (Erkenntnisth. & Rela- tivitätstheorie [Epistemol. & Relativity Theory]).[2] If you have the time and incli- nation, come and see me one day soon so we can talk the matter over. Kant’s cele- brated view on time reminds me of Andersen’s fairy tale of the emperor’s new clothes, only that instead of it being about the emperor’s clothes, it’s about the form of perception! Prior notice by telephone is requested. Best regards, yours, A. Einstein.
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

D O C . 1 0 4 S E P T E M B E R 1 9 1 9 8 7 doesn’t happen, my departure would be equivalent to a shameless breach of faith toward Planck and disloyal in any case. I would have to reproach myself for it lat- er.—(I feel like a relic in an ancient church the old bones are quite useless, and yet . . .) Well, however things may turn out, this is a fine excuse for a trip to see you, es- pecially considering how terribly long it’s been since we’ve seen each other. If my tyrannical stomach permits it, I’ll visit you this fall already. Can the travel permit be obtained without much trouble, I wonder? Have you by any chance heard any- thing over there about the English solar-eclipse expedition?[6] The rest of the shop- talk will be saved up for our conversations. For my part, there’s not very much at all. For today, my affectionate regards to you and yours, from Einstein. Your postcard just arrived now as well. Be sure not to read too much into my last notice.[7] There is no empirical basis to indicate that I am on the right track there. I often doubt it myself. I’m sending you the requested papers except for the one co- authored with de Haas,[8] of which I have no more copies, and perhaps an Academy paper that has also run out. If I could only come and visit you all this fall already! My stomach is behaving quite rebelliously again,[9] and traveling conditions are supposedly downright horrific. Please send Planck’s letter back again soon. 104. To Ilse Schneider [Berlin, 15 September 1919] Dear Miss Schneider,[1] I received the dissertation by Sellien that you referred to (Erkenntnisth. & Rela- tivitätstheorie [Epistemol. & Relativity Theory]).[2] If you have the time and incli- nation, come and see me one day soon so we can talk the matter over. Kant’s cele- brated view on time reminds me of Andersen’s fairy tale of the emperor’s new clothes, only that instead of it being about the emperor’s clothes, it’s about the form of perception! Prior notice by telephone is requested. Best regards, yours, A. Einstein.

