I N D E X 3 3 9 Ehrenfest, Paul, Jr., (1915–?), 82, 135 Ehrenfest, Tatiana (1876–1964), 82, 116, 128, 135, 150, 191, 283 Ehrenfest, Tatiana (1905–1984), 135, 252 Ehrenfest, Wassily (1918–1933), 82, 135, 150 Ehrenhaft, Felix (1879–1952): 5, 166, 181, 221– 224, 239, 242–244, 251, 260, 266, 270 can- didacy at University of Vienna, 243–245, 285 offers AE his home to room, 167 on ap- plication for KWIP funds, 40 research on photophoresis, 152 EINSTEIN, ALBERT (1879–1955) APPOINTMENTS: University of Leyden, pro- fessorship at, 84, 86, 148, 162, 254, 214, 219, 282, 289 University of Zurich, plans to offer professorship at, 61, 182, 199– 200, 233 COURSES: for foreigners, 326 University of Berlin: 9, 35 free admission to, 259 stops temporarily, 83 uproar at his lecture, 258, 260, 261–262, 274, 316 consequences of, 267–268 press coverage of, 261, 277 University of Leyden: 212 doubts about their importance at University of Ley- den, 214 University of Zurich: 9, 33, 44, 49, 51, 55, 58 on free admission to, 200 quits, 83, 198, 247 tired of, 4 Volkshoch- schule für Proletarier, 205 writing up, 276, 325 for publication, 179, 251. See also EINSTEIN, ALBERT: LEC- TURES ECLIPSE EXPEDITION: British astronomers, comments on excellent behavior of, 179, 184 confident in positive result, 116 con- gratulated for positive result, by, Planck, 105 Dällenbach, 112 Zürich physicists, 113 Perrin, 134 Fokker, 140 Lawson, 151 De Sitter, 158 Von Traubenberg, 177 Guillaume, 231 thanks Zurich phys- icists for, in poem, 118 congratulates Ed- dington on success, 184 on Eddington’s contribution, praise of, 245 positive re- sult, comments on, to De Sitter, 179 pre- liminary results, mentions, to Dällenbach, 98 EXPERT OPINION, asked to serve as patent ex- pert, 285–287 FINANCES: course fee at University of Zurich, 50 devaluation of German mark, 50, 77, 82, 115, 119, 133, 135, 139, 144, 175, 178, 185, 282, 300 income from abroad, 163 income from shares, 127 indebted to Zangger, 208 on payment for Hans Al- bert Einstein’s boarding, 185 royalties for English edition of popular book on rela- tivity, see EINSTEIN, ALBERT: POPULAR BOOK ON RELATIVITY salary, at Universi- ty of Leyden, 149, 219 from PAW, 79 raise, 70 support to Pauline Einstein, 76 support to Swiss family, 6–7, 50, 76, 86, 115, 139–140, 144, 163, 204, 207, 278, 300, 306 support to two households, 185–186 war-time tax declaration, 256 INVITATIONS: by Anschütz-Kaempfe, 5 Ed- dington, 224, 249, accepts, 245 Ehren- fest, 107 Haenisch, 294 Oppenheim, Paul, 153, 218 Perrin, 134 Schlick, 116 to: Als-Ob conference, 304–305, accepts, 331 Basel conference on Hebrew Univer- sity, 125, 152–153 deliver course at Uni- versity of Zurich, 182, 183, declines, 200 join Arts and Sciences Committee of The German League for the Protection of Ger- mans Outside Germany, 211, declines, 215 join League of German Scholars and Artists, declines, 215 join editorial board of Annalen der Philosophie, 25 join editorial board of Das Odeon, 238–239, declines, 240 join editorial board of Mathematische Annalen, 192 join Monist League, 209, declines, 216 jubilee of University of Rostock, 116, 120, 130, 169 Chemical-Physical Society, Vienna, 166 University of Frankfurt, 169 Univer- sity of Geneva, 213–214, 226, 278 Uni- versity of Oslo, 307, 312 Monist League, 18 in: Munich, 4, 247 Spain, 327 on principle of relativity, 35 JEWISH MATTERS: Anti-Semitism: on, 137 during school- time in Munich, 304 in Germany, 162, 213 “Jewish Newton,” called, 174 Jewish scholars, in favor of fundraising among Jews for, 137 Hebrew University: Basel conference on,
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